Saturday, December 31, 2022

Bible Reflections I 01.01.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Octave
           I - Num. 6: 22-27
          II - Gal. 4: 4-7
         III - Lk. 2: 16-21

There are four Marian dogmas stating Mary’s personal relationship with God and her role in the history of salvation: Divine motherhood, Perpetual virginity, Immaculate conception and the Assumption. Today the Church celebrates the feast of Mary, the Mother of God, the title attributed to Mary by the Council of Ephesus held in 431. God descended from his divinity taking up the human form in or to make all of us ascend into that Kingdom with the honour of the children of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. This was possible only through Mary, the blessed one, full of grace, the pride of Israel and the honour of human race. Besides being mother of God, she is our mother as well given by Jesus, her son. It is befitting to begin the brand new year 2023 with the blessings, assistance, accompaniment and guidance of our Blessed Mother.  

God in His graciousness has gifted us with New Year enwrapped with new visions, hopes, dreams, possibilities, challenges, vigour and enthusiasm; and with the blessed assurance, “I am with you always” (Mt. 28: 20). In the Book of Proverbs we read, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” At the start of this new year entrust everything into the all-powerful and loving hands of the Lord, wait for Him and count on Him. As the Bible says, he will lead you in the way you know not (Is. 42: 16). Let us begin this New Year, with Jesus, our Lord, Mary, our mother and St. Joseph, our protector. Repeat this prayer in the silence of hearts as often as possible and entrust the year into the loving hands of the Lord through our Blessed Mother: “Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, Pray for us”  


Friday, December 30, 2022

Bible Reflections I 31.12.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Octave
           I - 1Jn. 2: 18-21
          II - Jn. 1: 1-18

We are in the last day of the year 2022, a day of stocktaking and a day of thanksgiving to the Lord. Every incident, every happening and every event: the joys and sorrows; the ups and downs; efforts and endeavours; success and challenges; and; sufferings and solace were meticulously wrapped with the graces and blessings besides being branded with the benevolent love of the Lord. Take some time today to be in solitude but in the company of the Lord and try to count all His blessings one by one, then can you feel your heart throbbing with sentiments of “Thank you Lord”. At the same time, regret not for the opportunities missed, willful acts of negligence, lethargy, slackness in accomplishing the good, lapsed relationships because of our ego, indifferentism and misunderstanding and wrong choices made. Thank God for bringing these setbacks to our memory so that we can better ourselves to become disciplined disciples of Jesus our Master.  

In the Gospel passage of the day we read: “From his fullness we have all received, graces upon grace”. May we take this day as an opportunity to thank the Lord and pray for His graces for the upcoming new year, to stand firm in our resolutions to live up to our Christian vocation true to the identity of the children of God. Thank also for the family members, friends, relatives, neighbours and every people who were part of life and experience and pray for them as well. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Thank you Lord”.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Bible Reflections I 30.12.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Week
           I - Sir. 3: 2-6, 12-14
          II - Col. 3: 12-21
         III - Mt. 2: 13-15, 19-23


Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family, the model for all families. Joseph, Mary and Jesus each of them performed their role in absolute co-operation, obedience, respect and harmony in fulfilling the Plan of God. Joseph and Mary submitted themselves to God and to one another in faith. The instruction about taking the baby to Egypt and from there to bring back to their hometown was given by the angel of the Lord to Joseph only but was obeyed by Mary at the words of Joseph with no counter questions or arguments. The bible says that Jesus was obedient to his parents (Lk. 2: 51). Every member in the holy family respected the role of every other member, setting an example for all families in the world.

The families today are fragmented due to individualism, autonomy, selfishness, misunderstanding and egoism. Each one wish to underestimate, dominate and outrun one another resulting in broken families leaving the children with single parent or abandoning them to grandparents, homes and orphanages. Or on the other hand resulting in children abandoning their parents to the old age homes. In either case it is indeed pathetic, heartrending and painful. The second reading instructs on the mother, father and children’s attitude that would favour an exemplary family while the first reading enlists the blessings of those who obey and honour their parents. St. Paul instructs put on compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, patience and forgiving one another for a harmonious family living. As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family pray for your own families and for those that are broken and separated. God bless our families. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “God bless our families”.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Bible Reflections I 29.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Week
           I - 1Jn. 2: 3-11
          II - Lk. 2: 22-35

St. Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr (Memorial) 


Today’s Gospel passage is about the presentation of baby Jesus in the temple by his parents in accordance to the obligation of the Law of the Lord offering a pair of doves. Simeon, the righteous and the devout man waited patiently in the temple to behold the deliverer, the consolation of Israel, the Messiah. As the baby was brought into the temple he recognised, rejoiced and filed with the Holy Spirit prophesied about the child. Looking at May he prophesied saying, “…And a sword will pierce your own soul too”. Mary would not have understood but as the bible says kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (Lk. 2: 19). Presentation to the Lord is yielding unto the Lord in faith.   

When we were still helpless babe we were brought into the Church to be baptised. Our parents in the company of the God parents who were also equally responsible for our Christian living, kith and kin presented us in Church to the Lord professing the Christian faith on our behalf. Seldom do we remember even the names our grandparents and often fail in the responsibilities towards them. When people today don’t even care for their own parents and live independently with their family abandoning them to the old age and shelter homes, can they find to even think about the grandparents. May the Gospel passage help us to reset our lives recalling our baptism and our promise to live a witnessing life. Be grateful to the parents who had brought up to what we are. Dear parents, constantly keep insisting to your children about the demands of Christian living exhorted through baptism and faith in the Lord that is essential so that they can live a witnessing life.

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. He was martyred because he preferred to submit himself unto the ways of the Lord than to the order of the king of Canterbury and so he was martyred. Through the intercession of this saint let us ask God to give us the courage to present ourselves unreservedly to His Plan for us in actualising our profession of faith in Him.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Bible Reflections I 28.12.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Week
           I - 1 Jn. 1: 5-2: 2
          II - Mt. 2: 13-18 
Today the Church celebrates the feast of the holy innocents who had to give up their lives in order to save the Messiah from the wrath of Herod. Herod in his jealousy, hatred, envy and craving for power wanted to put away with the King of kings and so he massacred countless children. The feast on one hand is shocking that God permitted so many children to die but on the other, we must understand the incident with faith that so many children died to save the saviour who had to die in order to save the entire world from the darkness of sin.   

The normal reaction to this incident our anger towards Herod who was merciless and evil. Introspect on self to analyse our actions that spur from anger, hatred and jealousy. We may not physically harm others but we do harm them wounding their hearts and minds. Herod allowed himself to be under the control of the evil and so evil actions sprung forth from him. Let us allow ourselves to be controlled by our conscience that is God Himself and let all around us to live in happiness and peace.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Bible Reflections I 27.12.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Week
           I - 1 Jn. 1: 1-4
          II - Jn. 20: 2-8 
The church celebrates the feast of St. John, the apostle and the evangelist today. St. John is referred as ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’ (Jh. 13: 23). John was the son of Zebedee, a Galilean fisherman. John and his brother James were the first disciples called by Jesus. St. John is the author of five books in the Bible: a Gospel according to St. John, three epistles (1 John, 2 John and 3 John) and the book of revelation. John was one of the closest confidants of Jesus along with Peter and John. St. John had five exclusive privileges: one, he was close to the heart of Jesus which her personally felt as well; two, he had deeper understanding of Christ that is evident from his Gospel; three, Mother Mary was handed over to John at the foot of the cross; four, the first witness of the resurrection and; five, the privilege of long life. Today’s Gospel passage is about Peter and John running to the tomb to witness the resurrection of the Lord witnessed by Mary Magdalene. In his great love for the Master, John outruns Peter but waits for Peter to enter the tomb first, as a mark of his respect for the primacy of Peter. He lived with love, witnessed to the love and exhorted the Christians to live in love.

In the first reading, St. John says, “That which we have seen and have heard, we declare unto you” and He lived it convincingly till the end of his life. Experience help us to emphatically witness. Pray that we as Christians may have a deeper experience of Jesus to proclaim him through our lives as we keep repeating the prayer: “St. John the apostle, Pray for us.”

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Bible Reflections I 26.12.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Week
           I - Acts 6: 8-10; 7: 54-59
          II - Mt. 10: 17-22 
Christmas is a joyous celebration to those who accept the birth of the babe in Bethlehem with the conviction that he is the Promised One of God. Acceptance means the readiness to commit ourselves completely to him without any reserve, choosing him above everything. It means to give up anything and everything for the sake of this God who pitched his tent among us. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Stephen, the first martyr of Christ. Martyr comes from the Greek work ‘marthur’ which means witness. St. Stephen witnessed to the life and preaching of Christ because of which he was falsely accused and stoned to death. St. Stephen was a Greek speaking Jew, a deacon selected for the distribution of goods. He was a vehement and an enthusiastic preacher. His resembled the life of Christ. Some of the parallelism between Christ and Stephen were: both of them were considered as law breakers, both were accused of blasphemy, both had false witnesses, both were martyred outside the city and both forgave their persecutors. 

The life of St. Stephen is a best model for us to imitate especially his courage to bear witness to Christ and his spirit of forgiveness after the model of his Master Jesus Christ. We are Christians called to imitate Jesus in all our words and deeds. It is challenging but it is a commitment imposed on each of us. Have faith and dare to witness to Christ courageously. As the Gospel reading says, the Spirit of the Lord will give us strength to witness to Christ and the courage to face anything as a consequences of the same. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Stephen, Pray for us”.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Bible Reflections I 25.12.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

“For a child has been born for us, s son given to us” (Is. 9: 6). Today the Church rejoices over the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our redeemer. In the first reading, Isaiah gives names that characterise the quality of the new born babe at Bethlehem, Jesus: Wonderful four Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. The world needs someone to consult, confide and counsel for discernment of right choices but seldom do we find people who could volunteer to render one with disinterest on self. In Jesus we have a wonderful counselor who cares about us even to the point of becoming one of us. We are always under grip of fear, anxiety and fright failing to grasp the power of God that can cast all such things off because He is a Mighty God. We are God’s children, created in his own image and likeness. We might dare to move away from God and belittle God in our behaviour but God never gives us up because is an Everlasting Father. In the world that is torn apart by war, violence, confusion and agitations we are given the Prince of Peace who could fill our hearts, homes and nations with peace.   

The Gospel passage is about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the nativity scene at Bethlehem. Wonderful four Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace being born in a stable at Bethlehem for there was no place in the inn. On this day of Christmas Jesus would wish to be born in our hearts. Do we have a place for him in our hearts? Or like the inn, our heart is too full to not to accommodate Jesus? If we feel we are sinners and unworthy, take courage God wishes only the sincerity of heart. The shepherds were considered thieves and outcasts but the message of Good News about the birth of the messiah was given only to them because they were simple and duty bound. Invite Jesus into your hearts in all simplicity and he will definitely be born there. 

Today Christmas has become one of celebration that attracts commercial exchange diluting the message that is supreme. We concentrate on decorations, dresses, dishes, sweets, gifts and wishes than on the message that is powerful: Sharing, caring and giving in all simplicity, humility and love. Try to revive the spirit of Christmas by filling the hearts of whomever we meet through our love peace and joy. Happy Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Bible Reflections I 24.12.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - 2 Sam. 7: 1-5, 8-12, 14, 16
          II - Lk. 1: 67-79 
Today’s Gospel passage is about the Song of Zachariah. Zachariah praises God for his marvelous works especially in keeping His promise of Salvation in the Messiah and for gift of John the Baptist his son. Zachariah predicts the praises God and rightly predicts the plan of God for his son that he would be the preparer of the way of the Lord. Zachariah rightly discerns the mission of his son and the plan of God for him because he was righteous and a devout Jew.

Children are gift of God to the parents with the responsibility to bring them up according to the plan of God for them. This is possible only to the parents who live by the will of God in prayer and discernment. The song is an invitation and a challenge to the parents to bring their children up as per the plan of God for them and an advice to the children to obey their parents who wish their good. As we are about to behold the birth of Messiah, let us intensify our prayers for parents and children that they may seek and accomplish the will of God all times in their lives.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Bible Reflections I 23.12.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - Mal. 3: 1-4; 4: 5-6
          II - Lk. 1: 57-66 
Today’s Gospel passage is about the birth of John the Baptist that brought about joy and hope to all around him. Elizabeth was filled with joy because the Lord had been gracious to her blessing her with the motherhood. The neighbours and relatives rejoiced over the mercy of God in the birth of John. Zachariah was would had been extremely happy because of the gift of the child primarily and secondly, he regained his power of speech on naming the Child. The whole ambient was filled with joy at the birth of John the Baptist.

Christians are supposed to be joyful people of God because we are victorious in Christ Jesus. In our mere presence the ambiance must be filled with joy, peace and hope of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Gospel passage help us to introspect our lives about our presence amidst people with who we live so as to make our presence a qualitative one bearing witness to the joy of the Lord.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Bible Reflections I 22.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - 1 Sam. 1: 24-28
          II - Lk. 1: 46-56 
Gratitude is an emotion expressed in various ways. In today’s Gospel passage Mary filled with joy and gratitude, magnifies the mighty hand and the marvelous deeds of God in her song of praise. Mary praises God not only for what He had done in her life but also exalts the quality of God that thwarts the powerful, the proud, the greedy and the wicked; and favours the humble, the poor, the insignificant and the simple.  

Gratitude is an attitude. We cannot be grateful at one time and not so grateful at the other. A grateful person appreciates even the most insignificant good that is done to them. To some people, even the greatest favour rendered would mean insignificant and nothing to them. The proud cannot appreciate but the simple and the humble appreciate with gratefulness. We are in the season of Advent, closer to the celebration of Christmas that projects the great love of God for the mankind: God becoming a man like one us. Take sometime today to appreciate God and people around us who care for our wellbeing.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Bible Reflections I 21.12.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - Song of Solomon 2: 8-14
          II - Lk. 1: 39-45 
The Gospel passage of the day is the meeting of the two women: one, the mother of the Proclaimer of Salvation and two, the mother of the Promised One of Salvation. The visitation is the merging moment of the Old and the New Testaments. Mary hastens to help her cousin and Elizabeth receives the Mother of the Lord with great honour. Filled with grace and Holy Spirit, one identifies the role of the other, marvels at the magnificent work of the Lord.  

The visit of our Blessed Mother becomes a blessing to Elizabeth. We are close to the celebration of Christmas, the message of love from the Father in Heave. Already people have started celebrating Christmas and began their visits of wishing and greeting. If we are filled with the good news of Christ, our visit and wishing will automatically fill the other with joy and peace, the ultimate message of the birth of Jesus. Be filled with Christ to share Christ during this season of Christmas as we are about to behold Christ the Lord.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Bible Reflections I 20.12.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - Is. 7: 10-14
          II - Lk. 1: 26-38 
The Gospel passage of the day is on the ‘Angelus’. Every day we pray the angelus three times contemplating the incarnation of the Son of God, we recite and remember at least fifty three times the greetings of the angel Gabriel to Mother Mary while praying the Rosary and we contemplate the incarnation of the Son of God in every Joyful mystery. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Church is everyday somehow compelled recall the incident of God becoming man. This is precisely because the mystery of incarnation is profound and vital in the history of salvation.

In a day we are called to recall the incident of incarnation at least sixty times because in the incarnation lies our redemption and the profound love of God for the humankind. He did not let us die in sin but came to dwell among us to restore our image as children of God. As we are in season of Advent, getting ready to behold this great mystery, pray the prayers consciously and in contemplation, to behold the Lord as he comes.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

ஆண்டவரின் வாக்குத்தத்தங்கள் நேà®°ியவை I 19.12.2022 - MONDAY I REV FR. AR...

Bible Reflections I 19.12.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - Judges. 13: 2-7, 24-25
          II - Lk. 1: 5-25 
The readings of the day exemplifies that God is faithful to all his promises. The first reading is about the annunciation of the birth of Samson and the Gospel reading, about the birth of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, the Messiah, and the Promised One of God. Both the mothers were unable to bear a child and to them God promises for a child, dedicated to the work of God: Liberating Israel from the Philistines was the mission of Samson and preparing the way of the Liberator was the mission of John the Baptist. Both these children were from the mothers who were unable to bear children. In keeping his promise God can do all things that are impossible. Both the mothers trusted in the promises of God and it was done to them.  

The mothers of faith are examples of faith and trust in God. In today’s scenario, people are prone either to give up their faith or to put their trust on someone and something that is not God. In placing the trust not on God leads to depression, fear, anxiety, dejection and despair, sometimes even resulting to ending up lives physically or spiritually or both. Trust in God and be victorious in everything for God is true to all His promises. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to place my trust in you.”

Saturday, December 17, 2022

நம்பிக்கையின் ஞாயிà®±ு I 18.12.2022 - SUNDAY I REV FR. AROKIA DOSS SDB I...

Bible Reflections I 18.12.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 4
           I - Is. 7: 10-14
          II - Rom. 1: 1-7 
         III - Mat. 1: 18-24
The first chapter in the classic work of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, “Life of Christ” is entitled as ‘The Only Person Ever Pre Announced’. All the three readings of the day is an affirmation to the same. In the first reading Prophet Isaiah foretells about the birth of the Immanuel, God with us. In the second reading St. Paul writes to the Romans that Jesus is the promised messiah as foretold by prophets in the Holy Scriptures. In the Gospel passage Matthew reminds us of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Prophet Isaiah in Jesus, the Immanuel, God with us. We are in the last week of the Advent that invites us to reflect on the theme: Love. All actions after love merits both the giver and the receiver.

Obedience in love works wonders. Jesus, the Son of God consented to obey His Father out of his love for Him and for the humankind and therewith came the salvation to the world. May obeyed in faith and love that brought forth the Promised One to the world. Joseph was a righteous man and in his love for the Lord and obedience was privileged to father God’s Son. As we are in the final week of the Advent, determine to obey in love as a preparation for Christmas, the coming of the Messiah.

Friday, December 16, 2022

வாà®°ுà®®் இயேசுவே வாà®°ுà®®்... I 17.12.2022 - SATURDAY I REV FR. AROKIA DOSS ...

Bible Reflections I 17.12.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA

Advent: Week 3
           I - Gen. 49: 2, 8-10 
          II - Mat. 1: 1-17

Today’s Gospel passage is on the genealogy of Jesus. It is the list of forty two generations: from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generation. St. Matthew was a Jew and his Gospel is typically Jewish nature. Matthew has projected Jesus as the Promised One and the fulfillment all prophesies. The genealogy of Jesus from Abraham to Joseph evince the historicity and the prophetic lineage of Jesus. “God keeps every promise He makes” (Prov. 30:5). The genealogy consists of weak and imperfect beings still Jesus, the perfect one as promised by God is given in the lineage, a perfect solidarity with the sinful world for the salvation of the same. Sin, slavery and weakness of men nothing is an obstacle to God in fulfilling his promise for God can write straight with crooked lines.

The genealogy of Jesus is a consolation and it affirms our trust and faith in the Lord. We might be weak beings with all failings but we are the precious children of God and God will definitely accomplish all that He has planned for us. Do not fear but approach the Lord with sincerity of heart, in absolute surrender and with tremendous trust because He knows our weakness and efforts. Cheer up! God cares for us. God writes straight with crooked lines.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

நான் வழங்குà®®் விடுதலை அண்à®®ையில் உள்ளது I 16.12.2022 - FRIDAY I REV FR....

Bible Reflections I 16.12.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 3
           I - Is. 56: 1-3, 6-8 
          II - Jn. 5: 33-36

John the Baptist, through his life, teaching, preaching and earnestly preparing the way of the Lord, was a testimony to the truth: Jesus Christ. Some rejoiced in his truth while others willfully rejected the truth and beheaded him finally. Jesus, the light of the world, through his life, teaching, preaching and healing, was a testimony to the truth: the Heavenly Father. Common people joyously accepted him while the authorities deliberately rejected him and crucified him on the cross. Both Jesus and John the Baptist bore witness to the truth, the former to the Father and the latter to the Son; and both were rejected.

Truth always hurts. Truth is always an obstacle and hindrance to the people who rejoice living in the darkness. We Christians are people of the light called to witness to Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. We might be contradicted, afflicted, oppressed and rejected, still, it’s our prime duty to witness to the truth. Strive for truth wherever you are and shine bright as the Children of the light. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give us the courage to bear witness to the truth.”

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

எளிய இதயங்களில் வாà®°ுà®®் இயேசுவே I 15.12.2022 - THURSDAY I REV FR. AROKIA...


Bible Reflections I 15.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 3
           I - Is. 54: 1-10 
          II - Lk. 7: 24-30

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus testifies to the identity of John the Baptist.  He praises John the Baptist as someone more than a prophet and greater among those born of a woman. And yet, the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist himself.  John the Baptist preached on repentance and conversion while Jesus went a step ahead in formulating a concrete action plan for the establishment of the Kingdom of God based under the Law of love. The one who strives for and enters the Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist himself. 

The sinners and tax collectors accepted the teachings of John the Baptist and Jesus; and aligned their lives accordingly.  By rejecting the Baptism of John the Baptist, the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for them. Through our Baptism we have accepted to abide and live by the life and teachings of Christ and this is the purpose of God for each of us as Christians.  But if we fail to live by the same then we are mere hypocrites no lesser than the Pharisees and lawyers of Jesus’ time.  The purpose of God for each of us is that we strive for freedom, fraternity and justice thereby realising the dream of Jesus, “The Kingdom of God”.  If we do part in realising this dream through our exemplary living, then can we be praised by God to be someone greater than John the Baptist. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “May your Kingdom come O Lord”.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Bible Reflections I 14.12.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 3
           I - Is. 45: 6-8, 21-25 
          II - Lk. 7: 19-23

In today’s Gospel passage, John the Baptist sends his disciples to ask Jesus whether he was the one who is to come or do they still have to wait for someone else.  To this question, Jesus did not answer directly but he only told them to go and tell John the Baptist what they had seen and heard: “the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead raised, the poor have good news brought to them” - a perfect fulfillment of the prophesy of Isaiah in him (Is. 35: 5, 6).  So that from this life of Jesus, as fulfillment of the prophecies, John the Baptist can understand that Jesus was the Messiah for whom the people of Israel for generations waited in hope.

Today the Church remembers St. John of the Cross, a mystic and the doctor of the Church.  With great effort, courage and dynamism, he revived and reformed the Carmelite way of life unto the ways of religious living. He had to face suffering and oppositions from his own fellow priests on this accord. He pursued bravely in all his efforts because he wanted the religious communities to witness to the love of Jesus Christ.  May this saint help us to become credible witnesses of Christ in our day to day living.

Monday, December 12, 2022

புனித லூசியா I ST. LUCY I 13.12.2022 - TUESDAY I REV FR. AROKIA DOSS SD...

Bible Reflections I 13.12.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 3
           I - Zep. 3: 1-2, 9-13 
          II - Mt. 21: 28-32

Today’s Gospel passage an invitation to integrity. The first son refused to go and work in the vineyard but later changed his mind and went to work. The second son seemed to have obeyed at the first instance but then failed to go to the vineyard. The chief priests and elders claimed themselves to be God’s own people and projected to be concerned about God’s work but in their pride and arrogance, slighted the invitation of John the Baptist and Jesus alike. Instead the rejected people of Israel: the tax collectors, prostitutes, Samaritans and the sinners were already aligning their ways according to the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus.

We are in the grace filled season of advent, preparing ourselves to behold the Lord as He comes. Prepare in repentance and conversion. With the grace try to remove all that is not of God: ideologies, belief, hatred, enmity, exploitation, revenge and underestimating people; and put on the values of Christ: love, brotherhood, joy, happiness, care for the earth, appreciate the good, admonish in love and accept everyone as they are for the sake of Christ our Lord. Reflect and redefine your living unto the ways of God - this is Christian living. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus help me to be an authentic Christian”.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Bible Reflections I 12.12.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 3
           I - Num. 24: 2-7, 15-17 
          II - Mt. 21: 23-27

Today the Church remembers and honours the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe.  She is the patron saint of Mexico and the patroness of the Americans.  The feast commemorates the apparition of Mother Mary to Saint Juan Diego whose feast we celebrated last week. The Blessed Virgin appeared to Juan Diego in the hills of Tepeyach in 1531 and asked him to tell the bishop to build a church for her atop Tepeyach hill.  The Bishop demanded a sign before he could approve for the construction of the Church.  Mother Mary appeared to Juan Diego and told him to collect the roses that was rare during that season.  He gathered the roses in his cloak and went with a sign, to the Bishop, the second time.  When Juan Diego opened his cloak before the Bishop, roses fell to the floor revealing the image of Mother Mary imprinted on his cloak.  The image is still there displayed and venerated in the Basilica of Guadalupe.  St. John Paul II declared the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe the patroness of the Americans.  

To Juan Diego, Mother Mary promised of her protection, love, assistance, help and support.  The Blessed Virgin had also said to Juan Diego, “Listen and understand, my little son, let nothing frighten and afflict you or trouble your heart.  Am I not here, I, who am your mother?”  Let the words of the Blessed Virgin resound in the minds and hearts when we are troubled, discouraged, depressed and disheartened.  Do we not have a mother who is gentle, understanding and all loving?  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, Pray for us.”

Saturday, December 10, 2022

மகிà®´ுà®®் ஞாயிà®±ு I ADVENT 3RD SUNDAY - 11.12.2022 I REV. FR. AROKIA DOSS S...


Bible Reflections I 11.12.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Sunday: Week 3
           I - Is. 35: 1-6, 10
          II - Jas. 5: 7-10 
         III - Mt. 11: 2-11
The third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday. It expresses the joy of anticipation at the imminent approach of the Christmas celebration. In the first reading prophet Isaiah foretells about the joyous days of the Messiah. The prophet encourages the faint hearted to be hopeful and fearless because with the Messiah comes the salvation: the restoration of Israel. In the second reading, St. Paul exhorts the Christians to be patient and enduring by proposing the model of prophets who suffered on account of the proclamation of the Word of God. He asks them to be patient like the farmer who waits for the precious fruits of the earth because with the Lord remains our reward. In the Gospel passage, John the Baptist sends his disciples to Jesus for the confirmation about the Messiah. Jesus says nothing but quotes Prophet Isaiah’s prophecy and makes them witnesses of the same. In the second part of the Gospel Jesus praises John the Baptist because he was intent in preparing the way of the Lord with great courage and boldness that inherited him death.  

Advent is a grace filled time given by the Church to amend our ways, to align our lives unto the ways of the Lord. Do be discouraged at all that is happening around, be intent and focused like John the Baptist in preparing ourselves and helping others as well for the second coming of the Lord. Do not lose patient in practicing the Gospel values because, with the Lord will come our reward to, the joy of being with him forever in Heaven. May our mind and heart resonate with the Prayer: “Come Lord Jesus, come.”

Friday, December 9, 2022

Bible Reflections I 10.12.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 2
           I - Sir. 48: 1-4, 9-11 
          II - Mt. 17: 10-13

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto, with the decree of Pope Francis in 2019, that this feast be celebrated every year on December 10, the day on which there is a feast in Loreto. Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto is the patron of pilots, airmen and flight attendants as declared by Emeritus Pope Benedict XV on March 24, 1920. She is also a heavenly patroness of those who travel by plane. This title of Blessed Virgin Mary is attributed based on a house. Tradition tells that a small house in Loreto, Italy originated in Nazareth, the actual home of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is composed of mortar and stones found in Palestine in a style consistent of the time of Jesus. It is considered to be the home of St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of mother Mary. It was here that the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurred; it was here that annunciation took place and it was here that holy family lived after their return from Egypt.   

Since the time of the apostles this house was in Nazareth and was a place of pilgrimage and worship. In the third century Constantine built a basilica around the Holy House to protect and safeguard the same. This basilica was destroyed by the Saracens in the eleventh century but the Holy House in it remained untouched. The basilica was rebuilt in the twelfth century. This basilica was destroyed by the Muslims during the crusades but again the Holy House remained unharmed. When the Christians were driven completely out of the Holy Land in the thirteen century, the Holy House disappeared from Nazareth and appeared in modern day Croatia (Southeast Europe). It is said that the Holy House was transported there by the angels. The house was again moved by the angels on December 10, 1294 because of the Muslim invasion of Albania. The Holy House first landed in Recanti, Italy and afterwards moved to its present location in Loreto, Italy. The celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto invites all families, priests, religious and everyone to imitate the Mary, the perfect disciple of the Gospel. Modelled after Mother Mary, may we become humble disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ as we invoke our Blessed Mother praying: “Blessed Virgin of Loreto, Pray for us.”

Thursday, December 8, 2022

உம் நியமங்களின் படி வாà®´ வரம் தா..I 09.12.2022 - FRIDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA...


புனித நிக்கோலஸ் I SAINT NICHOLAS I 06.12.2022 - TUESDAY I REV. FR. AR...


Bible Reflections I 09.12.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 2
           I - Is. 48: 17-19 
          II - Mt. 11: 16-19

Acceptance and rejection are the two possible reactions to any teaching, preaching or living. John the Baptist was austere, he neither ate nor drank but was concerned only about the preparing of the way of the Lord, and people called him ‘possessed’. Jesus came, eating and drinking, he was casual but was concerned only about the Kingdom of God, and people called him ‘drunkard, glutton and a friend of tax collectors and sinners’. The teachings of both, John the Baptist and Jesus was not comfortable and often confronted, contradicted and challenged their life style. Hence they rejected both of them, choosing their comfortable cozy life. On the contrary, the sinners, the tax collectors and the gentiles accepted them and were already occupying a place in the Kingdom of God. 

We too often try our best to ignore the voice of God that comes in prayer, persons, Word of God and our own conscience because it challenges and causes inconvenience. In the first reading, Prophet Isaiah enlightens about the blessings brought down on those who adhere to the Word of God: prosperity, happiness, integrity and all other blessings as well. Want to be blessed by the Lord? Accept and abide by his teachings; and that is life. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to live by your words”

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Bible Reflections I 08.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 2
           I - Gen. 3: 9-15, 20 
          II - Eph. 1: 3-6, 11-12
         III - Lk. 1: 26-38

God chose Mary for the great purpose of the fulfillment of the His promise, the salvation of the world from the clutches of the sin caused by the deliberate disobedience of Adam and Eve. He gave them a promise for the restoration of the original peace, joy and harmony that existed; and thereby making us once again holy and blameless children of God: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head and you will strike his heel”. As a fulfilment of the promise, Mary was predestined to be immaculate, worthy of beholding the Son of God.

The single takeaway that can be drawn from the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the three readings of the day is: Obedience - Submission and surrender to the will of God. Obedience has the power to make us holy and blameless before God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and incurring sin and death upon themselves The New Eve, Blessed Virgin Mary through her obedience and submission to the will of God: “Behold the hand maid of the Lord…”brought forth the New Adam and along with him, the salvation and the new world order of freedom, fraternity and justice.  

We are the children of our Blessed Mother. She is our model and guide. May this her feast inspire us to imitate this dazzling trait of our Blessed Mother: the Obedience, to behold the Lord with a blameless heart, surrendering ourselves unto His will. Do not be carried away by the jazzy lifestyle of the false world around, like Eve of the Garden of Eden but conquer courageously like our Mother Mary, the New Eve in obedience and submission to the will of God. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Mother Mary ever virgin, help me to save my soul”.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.12.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 2
           I - Is. 40: 25-31 
          II - Mt. 11: 28-30

As followers of Christ, in carrying out his command of love: “love one another as I have loved you” (Jn. 13: 34) one may have to experience and endure sufferings, pain, tortures, isolations, misunderstanding, persecutions and setbacks. This is the yoke and the heavy burden encountered on account of Jesus. But there is always joy in this suffering because it is an expression of our love for Jesus who loved us to the point of giving his life for us. Anything done in and out of love is a burden that is light and easy. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus invites these his people to come and rest in his love that is comforting and consoling.   

Jesus was a sign of contradiction to the upper class society. All good accomplished by him were undermined as violation of law. He was purposely underestimated in all his mighty works. But Jesus was unperturbed and went about doing good because he was gentle and humble. We will also be able to bear the burden on account of the Gospel, only if we are humble and gentle. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Ambrose who was responsible for the conversion of St. Augustine. He was a bishop and is the doctor of the Church. In the effecting living and preaching of St. Ambrose the Church got St. Augustin, the great theologian, defender of faith and above all source of hope and inspiration. Let our life become a source of inspiration and preaching to whomever we come in contact with.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Bible Reflections I 06.12.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 2
           I - Is. 40: 1-11 
          II - Mt. 18: 12-14

“It is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost” is the concern, care and mindfulness of the Good Shepherd towards his sheep. Leaving ninety nine on the mountain and going in search of the lost one do not mean that the ninety nine are less important to him. Every sheep in the ninety nine matters to the shepherd individually and personally; they are secure in his care and therefore he goes in search of the one that is lost. Every one of the sheep is precious to him and he is willing to give up his life to save even the one that is lost in wandering in order to bring it back safe to the sheepfold where they are free and secure.

As sheep belonging to the Sheepfold of Christ we have a triple responsibility: One, to remain in the sheepfold; two, if wandering away from Christ, adhere to his voice and get back to the sheepfold; and three, with Christ gather the sheep into the sheepfold through our words, deed, gestures and in short, through our exemplary living. Today the church celebrates the feast of St. Nicholas, 4th century bishop of Myra, from whom was derived the inspiration for the Santa Claus. The saint is known for his charity and generosity. He sold all his possessions and gave the money to the poor and the less privileged. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of Greece and Russia; also of the soldiers and children. The saint who cared for the less fortunate inspire us to be generous towards the sick and weak sheep of the sheepfold. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Nicholas, Pray for us.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Bible Reflections I 05.12.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week 2
           I - Is. 35: 1-10 
          II - Lk. 5: 17-26

The Gospel passage of the day is about the healing of the paralytic. To the rebellious and stubborn Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, who criticised Jesus for saying that his sins were forgiven, Jesus asked, “Which is easier, to say, ‘your sins are forgiven or stand up and walk”. The word of God is powerful. The word of God can heal, forgive, console and work miracles. At the command of Jesus, the sins of the paralytic were forgiven, he was healed - stood up and walked and thereafter went glorifying God.  

In today’s Gospel we read, “…the power of the Lord was with him to heal”. Consider this season of advent, as an opportunity to approach the Lord with all infirmities and weakness but with the faith that the Lord can liberate from all bondage: sufferings, sickness, crisis, addictions, inabilities and from all that discourage and weigh us down. He is our compassionate and merciful healer. He would definitely heal us, set us free and fill us with peace. Pray also for our suffering brethren in sickness, sin, pain and sorrow. Like those four men, intercede for them to the Lord for mercy and healing to them. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, bless everyone in the world”.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Bible Reflections I 04.12.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Sunday: Week 2
           I - Is. 11: 1-10
          II - Rom. 15: 4-9 
         III - Mt. 3: 1-12
The theme for the second week of the advent is ‘peace’. In the first reading Prophet Isaiah ushers peace and harmony in the coming of the Promised One. The original order of harmony that existed in the creation. In the second reading St. Paul exhorts to strive for harmony among the Christians in Jesus Christ who humbled himself to become all for all. In the Gospel passage John the Baptist preaches vehemently on the coming of the Son of Man. He exhorts the people of Jerusalem and Judea to return to the Lord in repentance so that they can be found ready at his coming. He encourages to bear fruit worthy of repentance and conversion because at the coming of the Son of God, the good people will be gathered like wheat in barn and the wicked like the chaff will be gathered and thrown into the fire.

Advent is the grace filled time given by the Church to prepare ourselves for the second coming of the Lord. Give up old ways that deviate from the Gospel living. Make efforts with the grace of God to witness to Christ in our living otherwise we would be found helpless at the coming of the Lord, when he comes in all his glory. Repent and return to the Lord whose coming is approaching. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Come Lord Jesus”.

Friday, December 2, 2022

புனித பிà®°ான்சிஸ் சவேà®°ியாà®°் I ST. FRANCIS XAVIER I 03.12.2022 - SATURDAY ...

Bible Reflections I 03.12.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week 1
           I - Jer. 1: 4-9
          II - 2 Cor. 4: 7-15 
         III - Lk. 10: 1-16
ST. FRANCIS XAVIER (Solemnity for India)
Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Francis Xavier, a legendary missionary from Spain. He was an ardent follower of Christ and a daring missionary with great zeal and commitment for the proclamation of the Gospel. Francis Xavier, in his younger days had various ambitions and plans for his future. Disturbed by the Word of God, “For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life?” (Mt. 16:26), Francis Xavier, gave away all his dreams and desires; and determined to follow Christ leaving his country and people behind. He dared to be a missionary to set the light of Christ thereby infusing hope and faith in the Lord Jesus. He preached along the coastal areas of Goa, various parts of South India, Malaya and Japan and turned many hearts towards Christ. 

Today’s Gospel passage is about the extension of the mission of Jesus entrusted to seventy two summoning them with authority to preach, proclaim, heal and cure as the sign of the Kingdom of God amidst them as was done by Jesus himself. In order to be focused and not to give much importance to material things and relationship, Jesus conditions them not to take the money bag, knapsack, sandals and never to greet anyone on the road. Jesus wished that this ministry be carried on and on until the Kingdom of God is established with utmost focus and determination. St. Francis Xavier whose feast we celebrate today is a typical model of Christian Discipleship. May the saint intercede for us that we may become effective heralds of hope, wherever we are. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Francis Xavier, Pray for us”.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

ST. BIBIANA I புனித பிபியானாI 02.12.2022 - FRIDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA DO...

Bible Reflections I 02.12.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week 1
           I - Is. 29: 17-24 
          II - Mt. 9: 27-32
The one requisite for all miracles in life is ‘faith’ is the crux of the Gospel passage today. Faith that God can heal, cure and change with the conviction that for God all things are possible. The faith of the two blind men that Jesus can heal obtain a miracle for them. The two blind men approached Jesus with hope, were healed in faith in the power of Jesus and thereafter they became the messengers of miracle throughout that district.  

Through the Gospel passage of the day we are invited to reflect on our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. When we approach the Lord with our pleas and petitions introspect on the level of faith that we possess. We can hear people saying that God has failed their faith. Faith is not only receiving what we ask for but also accepting the failure with the conviction that God would do only that what is good for us because he loves us. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, I trust in you”.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

நீà®™்கள் à®…à®±ிவாளிகளா? ...I 01.12.2022 - THURSDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA DOSS S...

Bible Reflections I 01.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week: 1
           I - Is. 26: 1-6 
          II - Mt. 7: 21, 24-27
We have heard and witnessed disasters due to the torrential rains followed by floods. So many magnificent, trending and lofty buildings being carried and washed away in the waters because of the poor and weak foundations that were unable to withstand the current of the fast flowing floods. Jesus uses this very practical metaphor to explain about the mere hearers and the active doers of the Word of God. The active doers of the Word of God stand steadfast even if baffled and battered up by trials, temptations and misfortunes while mere listeners of the Word are washed away by the trifles of the world giving up their faith and trust in the Lord. 

Listening to the Word of God in faith and accomplishing the same with an utmost trust position life on God, the everlasting rock. These doers of the Word would hold fast to their faith, abounding in hope and would be ablaze with charity inheriting eternal life when the Son of Man comes in glory to visit them. The mere listeners would stumble and fall with even small stifle. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, strengthen my faith”

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Bible Reflections I 30.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week: 1
           I - Rom. 10: 9 -18 
          II - Mt. 4: 18-22
The Lord calls whomever he wants (Mk. 3:13): the fisherman, the tax collector, the zealot, the learned or the persecutor.  Jesus calls to be his disciples in order to be with him and to be sent out on a mission (Mk. 3:14).  The mission precisely is to preach the Good News and to build up the Kingdom of God.  To be the messengers of love, peace and joy for the purpose of establishing a subservient social order, an egalitarian society where freedom, fraternity and justice reign.  The adherence and commitment to the call of God requires faith and courage.  Faith in the one who calls will accompany all through the life journey and the courage to endure and face all suffering, persecution, defamation, false accusation and finally death on this accord.   

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter (Jn. 1:40) and the apostle of Jesus.  His commitment to the call of Jesus was instantaneous that evince his faith in the great Rabbi and the Messiah, Jesus.  He travelled around Asia Minor and Black Sea preaching the Good news with great courage and conviction.  When he was sentenced to death by crucifixion, he felt that he was unworthy to be crucified like his master Jesus Christ and hence asked to be crucified on a diagonal cross. This is why the Scottish flag have a diagonal cross as St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.  Christ has called each one of us to be his followers through our baptism to partake in the priestly, kingly and prophetic mission of the Church.  We need not accomplish great things but make the principles of Christ our way of living in the day-to-day context making our ordinary living an extraordinary one as set out by Jesus our Master and Model. May St. Andrew, the apostle, strengthen our faith and help us to courageously commit ourselves to the mission of being the messengers of the Good News through our exemplary living. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Andrew, the apostle of Christ, Pray for us”.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Bible Reflections I 29.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week: 1
Readings: I - Is. 11: 1-10
                 II - Lk. 10: 21-24

The Gospel passage today does not condemn the learned, the intelligent or the persons of repute instead Jesus highlights on the disposition and openness of the heart in beholding the truth as it comes. The learned, the intellectuals and the elite of Jesus’ time were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Chief Priest and the Scribes. They were familiar with the law and the prophecy and were fanatic in the practice of the religion. They were considered to be the custodians of their religion and the Law of Moses. But they failed to recognise the Promised One in Jesus in their pride and stubbornness of heart. Women and infants were considered as ‘nobody’ at all. Infant in the Gospel reading today, means ‘nobody’. These ‘nobody’ - the sinners, tax collectors, women, children, the poor, the disabled, the prostitutes, the gentiles and the Samaritans in their openness, simplicity and humility of heart accepted Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus glorifies and thanks the Father for His goodness, mercy and magnanimity in choosing these ‘nobody’ to reveal Jesus His Son as their Messiah which is the gracious will of the Father. 

In the ordinary walk of life, people wish for the truth that is appealing, pleasing, and convenient but never contradicting, combating or conflicting their perspectives and ideologies. People never desire for the truth that hurts, contradicts, questions, conflicts and disturbs. Only those people who are open to the truth with the simplicity and humility of heart can be drawn to recognise the Lord as he comes to visit us. During this season of Advent let us yield ourselves unto to the truth as it comes.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

அதிகாà®°à®®ுà®®், பொà®±ுப்புà®®் பணிவிடை ..I 28.11.2022 - MONDAY I REV. FR. AROKI...

Bible Reflections I 28.11.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week 1
           I - Is. 4: 2-6 
          II - Mt. 8: 5-11
Today’s Gospel passage is about the healing of the centurion’s servant. Centurion was man in authority, a commander over hundred army men. He was a gentile and from the Gospel we can also conclude that he was a compassionate fellow and may be this is why he pleaded for the healing of this servant. Jesus consents to go with him to his house to heal his servant. But the centurion convinced of the authority of Jesus, asks him to command than coming in person to heal him. This act evinces the faith of the centurion. Besides this he also humbles himself before the Lord, calling himself ‘unworthy’ and this exhibits his humility. The faith and the humility of the centurion brings healing to servant besides gaining the appreciation of Jesus, the Rabbi Par excellence as well.

The two take aways of the Gospel passage of the day is: faith and humility. Faith that God can and will do for us but always aspiring to align ourselves unto his will. Because God gives only all that is best for us. In the letter of St. James we read, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up” (Jas. 4: 10). God is mighty and we are insignificant before him, we are his creatures. Submit to the might and power of the Lord with faith that God can do it and in humility to experience his benevolence and love.

Saturday, November 26, 2022


Bible Reflections I 27.11.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent 1
           I - Is. 2: 1-5 
          II - Rom. 13: 11-14
         III - Mt. 24: 37-44
We are stepping into a new liturgical season of Advent. Advent comes from the Latin word ‘Adventus’ meaning ‘coming’. Advent is the time of preparation for the coming of the Messiah - the Christmas. It is also a reminder that we be ready to behold the Son of Man as he comes with power and great gory during his second coming. Advent alerts people of God to keep themselves prepared watching and waiting. Watching in prayer so that, as the second reading says, we may appear blameless before God at the coming of Christ our Lord. Waiting in hope that as the first reading says, the Lord of righteousness will cause peace, justice and righteousness flourish in our land thereby establishing His Kingdom where freedom, fraternity and justice reign.  

During this season of Advent, watch in prayer and wait in hope to behold the “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Is. 9: 6). As we during this grace filled season of Advent prepare ourselves recalling the first Christmas at Bethlehem, focus too on the preparation for his second coming when he will come to visit and take us by hand to that everlasting Kingdom of love, peace, joy, hope and happiness that reign forever. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Come Lord Jesus Come”.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Bible Reflections I 25.11.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 22: 1-7
          II - Lk. 21: 34-36
Today’s Gospel passage is a warning against reckless living. Jesus invites us to be vigilant because the coming of the Son of God will be a sudden one.  Jesus does not threaten us but instructs us to go on living a normal life praying, alert and watchful, enduring all sufferings on account of him instead of being weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and cares of this life. So that, we might be able to stand before the Son of Man.

When trying situations entrap us from all sides, all we have to do is to put our trust in the Lord and wait for him patiently without distraction.  Enduring everything for the sake of the living God, without denying him, will make us worthy of being found blameless before him when He comes again in all His glory and splendor.  Hope in him, stand steadfast in faith and wait for the Lord and He will definitely act on our behalf bringing salvation and relief. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, I trust in you”.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Bible Reflections I 24.11.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 18: 1-2, 21-23; 19: 1-3, 9
          II - Lk. 21: 20-29
The Gospel passage is about two prophecies of Jesus: one, about the fall and destruction of Jerusalem; and two about the coming of the Son of man with power and glory, the second coming of Jesus.  Many times Jerusalem had been destroyed and held captive and people had witnessed the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus.  The second is yet to come.  We need not be panicked or alarmed but hope in the redemption that comes with the second coming of Jesus.  

Jesus says to straighten up and raise our heads high, in short to be ready to behold him as he comes.  Only those who are prepared and ready can do this.  Being prepared and ready to meet him can be possible only to those who walk in the Law of the Lord, love and trust him in all his ways.  We may not know the time and place but Jesus would come as he has promised.  Be prepared to behold him.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

மன உறுதியோடு இருà®™்கள்.I 23.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA DOSS SD...

Bible Reflections I 23.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 15: 1-4
          II - Lk. 21: 12-19
On account of Jesus, we might have to endure opposition, oppression, accusations and persecutions from those in power, position and authority. We might be betrayed by our own family, friends and relatives, hated and put to death. Jesus exhorts to endure with the blessed assurance of his assistance and protection. He promises of wisdom in our speech which none of the adversaries would be able to contradict. We are so precious to the Lord that he will never let even a hair our head to perish.  

Do not get panicked at embarrassing and endangering situation, the Lord our God like a mighty warrior and would fight on our behalf, defending and protecting (Jer. 20:21). Endure everything with the Lord until the day of meeting him face to face, for he says, “I will not leave you as orphans” (Jh. 14:18)” and “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mt. 28: 20). Endure every trial patiently with the joy of meriting the Kingdom of God when he comes in His glory. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, help me to be your witness”.

Monday, November 21, 2022

புனித செசிலியா I SAINT CECILIA I 22.11.2022 - TUESDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA ...

Bible Reflections I 22.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 14: 14-19
          II - Lk. 21: 5-11
St. Cecelia (Memorial)
In the Gospel passage of the day, Jesus predicts the destruction of the Jerusalem temple. The temple of Jerusalem was their pride as people of God. It was intertwined with the emotions of every Jew. Jesus also predicts the sufferings that the people of God had to endure under the clutches of the great and greedy rulers, the powers of the world, natural catastrophes, war and violence. At those circumstances Jesus instructs people to remain calm in the Lord. Because all atrocious activities and oppressing powers will be overthrown with the coming of the Kingdom of God. From the Gospel passage it can be inferred that we have to be ready to face any suffering on account of Jesus, endure so willingly with the hope that God will one day act on our behalf.  

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Cecilia, the patroness of music and musicians, who offered herself to the Lord with all her heart, body and soul. On account of her love and devotion to the Lord she had to lose her head and be martyred. Saint Cecelia courageously endured and saved her life for the eternal kingdom. May the saint of the day, help us to stand for the Lord with resolute firmness in his love. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Cecelia, Pray for us”.