I - Hos. 14: 1-9
II - Mt. 10: 16-23
There is always a steadfast strife between good and bad, virtue and vices, and light and darkness. One always trying to overpower the other. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus gives a terrible metaphor to portray the sufferings that a disciple has to undergo on account of proclaiming the Gospel message of freedom, fraternity and Justice amidst the world of selfishness, slavery and injustice: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves”. Jesus cautions the disciples about the challenges and the risks that they had to endure even from their family members on account of the apostolic endeavour. But Jesus encourages and enthuses them with the assurance of the presence of the Holy Spirit with them to assist and guide them.
The Good News is the sign of contradiction for it says: to love the neighbour as oneself (Mt. 22:39), to love the enemies (Mt. 5: 44), to pray for those who persecute (5: 44), to be peace makers (Mt. 5:9)... The Christian living should reflect the selfless life of Christ that is incongruent and incompatible with the selfish driven world. Therefore credible Christian living inherits persecutions and sufferings for its followers. Stand sturdy for the Spirit of the Lord is with us to assist and guide us. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to follow you with a resolute mind and heart”