I - Acts 13: 26-33
II - Jn. 14: 1-6
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says to his disciples not to unnecessarily get troubled but to trust in him. He assures his disciples of a place in the paradise, his Father’s House provided they follow him who is the way, the truth and the life.
The promise given to the disciples befits us his followers as well. To inherit the eternal dwelling with the Father we need to do two things: one, to trust in Jesus and two, to tread the path set out by Jesus aware of the truth that Jesus is the Way. God’s wish and desire for each of us is that we be with Him in the Paradise. This is possible only to the one who has faith in Jesus that he is the Lord. Let us ask God for the grace to give us the wisdom to grasp the truth; courage to follow the way and inherit life eternal. Today being first Friday implore the forgiveness and the mercy of the lord by repeating the prayer: “Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like yours”