I - Tobit 6:10-12;7:1,9-12, 15-1; 8:1, 4-9
II - Mk. 12:28-34
In today’s Gospel we read one last question posed by one of the Scribe followed by the chief priests, the elders, the sadducees and the other scribes to Jesus, “which commandment is the first of all?” As a faithful Jew Jesus responded saying, to love the Lord God above all else, and to it he added the second, to love the neighbours as oneself.
The whole week we had been reading about Jesus answering one question after another, about his authority, payment of tax to Caesar, resurrection of the dead and about the first commandment, with utmost wisdom and prudence. It was possible because he was aware of His identity as the Son of the Father and he was always united with His Father in prayer. In the context of our world today we are faced with wickedness, plotting, fault finding, injustice, corruption, misunderstanding, hatred, rash conclusions and violence. The Gospel passages of the week invite us to become aware of our own identity as Children of God and to be always united with God in prayer as did Jesus so as to combat the current context with prudence and wisdom. Jesus has walked the way. He has said, “Behold I’m with you until the end of time”. Let us hold fast to the hands of Jesus and tread our path courageously facing everyone