I - Jer. 17: 5-10
II - Lk. 16: 19-31
Today’s Gospel passage is about the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man was least bothered about Lazarus, the poor at his gate. He enjoyed his life in his riches and luxury while Lazarus suffered in his sickness and misery. Lazarus appeared to be so invisible and insignificant to the rich man that he was absolutely indifferent and ignored him completely during his luxurious life time here on the earth. But in the life after his death and departure from this world, Lazarus seated beside Abraham, appeared prominent so to him that he began pleading for himself and his brothers. Abraham refuses and rejects his requests. In the parables of Jesus we find no name given to any person except Lazarus. The name Lazarus is Latinised version of Eliezer meaning “God is my helper”. In the Jewish tradition name signified the character of that person. Jesus would have purposely given this name because, the poor man Lazarus had no helper but God alone. The parable is not against riches and wealth but about what the rich man lacked viz. care, concern and compassion for Lazarus and therefore failed to lend him in charity.
Everyone is blessed with some gifts by God solely for the purpose of sharing them with the ‘no persons’ like Lazarus viz. the poor, the marginalised, the oppressed and the suffering humanity. Being indifferent towards the problems and sufferings of the other is a grave sin and this would follow us even after our earthly existence here. Charity covers a multitude of sin (1Pt. 4:8). During this season of lent in particular, let us lift our eyes to look upon the needy brethren to lend our hands and means in charity with the intention of lifting them up from their poverty, hunger, pain, suffering and misery. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give us a generous heart to share all we have with the poor and the needy”