I - Dan. 7: 13-19
II - Rev. 1: 5-8
III - Jh. 18: 33-37
To Jesus was given the dominion, glory and kingship by the Father in Heaven, as the first reading says: an everlasting dominion that shall not pass away and His kingship that shall not be destroyed. Jesus, the king of kings, saving us through his blood, has made us to be a kingdom and priests serving the Father. He freed us by giving himself as a sacrifice on the cross in complete obedience and submission to the will of the Father. Jesus, the king of kings, the almighty, who is, who was and who is to come will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead as we profess in our creed.
The Church solemnises the kingship of Jesus today. With the celebration of the solemnity of the Feast of Christ the King, the ordinary time of the liturgical year ends and we are about to enter into the season of advent. This celebration is an invitation to align ourselves unto the ways of God in order to acknowledge and accept the kingship of Jesus. During the season of advent that we are about to begin let us amend our lives so as to make ourselves befitting into that kingdom where freedom, fraternity and justice reign, unlike the kingdom of Pilate, who questioned Jesus about his kingship. Let us with one mind and heart proclaim: "Jesus you are our King and our Lord" as often as possible.