I - Phil. 1: 18-26
II - Lk. 14: 1, 7-11
Almost all of us wish to be esteemed, honoured, respected, revered and held high. This is quite normal. But excessive expectation and undue attachment to the same is admonished by Jesus in today’s Gospel passage. Humble person accepts oneself as he/she is with self-awareness and self-knowledge. The hypocrites instead consider themselves higher to others. Jesus in today’s Gospel passage invites to humble oneself in order to he exalted by telling a parable about seeking for a place of honour when invited as a guest. It is better someone come and take to a place of honour than to be dragged to the lowest place.
Self-knowledge and self-acceptance wraps one with humility freeing from false pride, vain glory and self honour. May the kenosis (self-emptying) of Jesus, renouncing his own divinity and his great humility in stooping down to the level of a slave in washing the feet of his disciples, inspire and enkindle our aspiration to become more humble like our master and his Blessed Mother Mary, the humble handmaid of the Lord whom we fondly remember today. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to be humble like you.”