Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Bible Reflections I 31.08.2023 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 21
            I - 1Thess. 3: 7-13
           II - Mt. 24: 42-51


According to the Gospel passage today there are two groups of people who are doomed to inherit the eternal damnation viz. the unready and the hypocrites. Because both are concerned about everything other than the essential, the love of God and the love of neighbour. Preparedness and vigilance is essential to behold the Master as He comes. We die the way we live.

The trending wellness concept of the day is “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is being fully present to oneself and to the happenings around. When were are present to ourselves, persons and happenings around, centered on God, we can live our life healthier, better, fruitful and satisfied. This is the simple technique yet highly magical in leading us towards a sacrosanct living that inherits eternal bliss. Mindfulness paves way to meet the Lord with preparedness and vigilance.