Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Bible Reflections I 12.05.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 4
           I - Acts 13: 13-25
          II - Jn. 13: 16-20


Jesus humbled himself to the extent of assuming the role of a slave in washing the feet of the apostles, He was obedient to the God the Father to the extent of emptying himself by taking up the form of a man, He was humiliated and tortured to the extent of crucifixion on the cross, still, He went about doing only good. He shared his table, roof and life willingly even with the one who betrayed him. This is the style of Jesus and the Path set out by him through his life example. Jesus had travelled the untrodden land and bids us to follow that his beaten path of love, peace and fraternity. 

We are not greater than the Master but only his messengers with his message of love. We might have to suffer standing by his principles and exhortations. We needn’t fear for Jesus had walked that way and would be as he had promised be with us until the end of time. Until then we keep going in love proving ourselves to be the authentic followers of the Master Jesus Christ. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus our Master, give us the courage to walk your way”