Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Forgiveness : Love without Frontiers I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss SDB I Indray...

Bible Reflections I 16.09.2021 - Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 24

            I - 1Tim. 4: 12-16
           II - Lk. 7: 36-50

Love surpasses all frontiers, hurdles, difficulties and hitches. Love spotlights the loved one amidst all odds. Geared by an abounding love, because of the mercy, compassion, gentleness, affection and above all by the love of the Lord Jesus, the woman, the disgust and the scum of the society dared to enter the house of the Pharisee and anointed the feet of the Lord. Jesus was as usual accused but he took up for the woman, defended and praised her act, an expression of her love that bothered nothing and none.  

A bit of love can set all things right. For the sake of love one is ready to give up anything. For the love of mankind, Jesus gave up his divine nature and took up the form of the human person. For the sake of the love of God, Mary consented to be the mother of Jesus. For the sake of the love for the triune God, many had endured persecution. For the sake of following Christ, many still sacrifice all that they can, in order to bear witness to the love of the Lord. Love is giving. Let us shun our mind and heart to ‘what others will think/say” and begin to love God and neighbour without any restriction as our Lord Jesus had taught and exhorted us. By our act of love, that has neither restriction nor reservation, let people know that we are Christians after the heart of Christ. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill our heart with your love”