I - Tobit 3:1-11, 16-17
II - Mk. 12:18-27
The Sadducees were ‘liberals’ while the Pharisees were ‘conservatives’ comparatively. Still the Sadducees insisted that the doctrines be grounded in scriptural foundation while the Pharisees were content that they be based on their tradition. In today’s Gospel the Sadducees question Jesus about resurrection, life after death, the doctrine in which they actually did not believe expecting to embarrass Jesus, the carpenter’s son and assert their premise on resurrection. To their surprise Jesus quotes the scripture and evince them that there is life after death and that our God is God of the living and not of the dead. He astounds the Sadducees quoting from the Book of Moses, in the story about the bush, how God said to him, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob?” He is God of the living and not of the dead and that they are wrong in their belief.
Appearance is deceptive. We have our own set mold categorizing people in our mind as cleaver, foolish, intellectual, illiterate, virtuous, wicked, good and bad based on the place they come from, family they belong to, their caste and their tribe. The rough jack contains sweet fruits, the lovely ripe fig often contains dead bugs, precious gold is mixed in mud and in charcoal do we find exquisite diamonds. Therefore go beyond appearances and prejudice to discover the truth in everything, every happening and every person. Give up prejudice against persons under the pretext of their appearances and hailing and explore the truth, goodness and beauty present in them.