I - Ezk. 17: 22-24
II - 2Cor. 5: 6-10
III - Mk. 4: 26-34
The First and the Gospel reading of the day portray God as a gardener who plants a twig on lofty mountain top and scatters the seeds respectively. The twig and the seeds are God’s choice of people for a specific purpose. Israel to behold the Promised One, the Messiah and the New Israel for the purpose of gathering all people unto God and into His Kingdom. As people of God it is our responsibility to please Him by walking in His way by faith is the guideline given by St. Paul in the Second Reading.
The mustard that Jesus speaks of is tiny in size and it is a symbol of faith. Tiny deeds done in faith can have ripple effect on people we live around transforming our earth a heaven as the 19th century poet in her poem ‘Little Things’ say:
“Little deeds of kindness
Little words of love
Make our earth an Eden
Like the heaven above”
As we live our lives so we sow the seed of the Word of God and God in His time will make it grow as St. Paul would say, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow” (1Cor. 3:6). An encouraging nod, an appreciating word, a compassionate look, a gentle pat, silent presence, a kind gesture and above all a loving heart has a great power to touch and transform the world paving way for the heaven on earth. As people of God let us trust Lord, touch the life of the people and transform the world for the better.