I - 2 Cor. 9: 6-10
II - Jn. 12: 24-26
The Church today celebrates the fest of St. Lawrence, the first of the seven deacons of Rome, appointed by St. Pope Sixtus II. St. Lawrence was known as the Archdeacon of Rome. He was trusted so much by the Pope that he entrusted the treasures of the Church and the concern of the poor in Rome to St. Lawrence. It was the time of persecution under the emperor Valerian. Many ministers of the Church, the bishops, priests and deacons were executed and martyred. Pope Sixtus II too was one among them to be martyred. Aware of the threat that awaited the Church, St. Lawrence distributed the wealth and property of the Church to all the poor and needy there. When the Roman authorities enquired for the wealth of the Church, St. Lawrence presented the poor people before the authorities. Infuriated authorities, tortured him putting him on a hot gridiron, heated with a blazing furnace and martyred him. St. Lawrence joyfully endured for the sake of his faith in the Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
St. Lawrence gave himself up completely in faith, for the sake of the Lord joyfully and generously, gaining the glory of the heavenly bliss. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says, “Unless a wheat of grain falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit”. The martyrdom of St. Lawrence is an inspiration and model to us. Following Christ may cause many setbacks and sufferings but on enduring, we gain eternal life and other pick up inspiration and example.