I - 2Cor. 3:15-4:1,3-6
II - Mt. 5:20-26
The offenders and murders are liable for judgment. But, in today’s Gospel Jesus says that the one who is angry with his or her brother or sister is liable to judgment. He goes a step even further and insists to leave the offering at the altar and go to reconcile with the person who has something against him or her. Through this powerful sermon Jesus enlightens the humanity that love of God and love of neighbour are inseparable and that they are two sides of the same coin. Forgiveness is supreme and that lack of forgiveness nullifies any offering or other expressions of devotion.
Insults inflicted and words spoken in anger can incapacitate, mutate and invalidate persons to the point of leaving them dead while they are still alive. Hence anger tantamount to murder. Jesus proposes reconciliation as a rudiment to quench anger and foster peaceful living. Reconciliation is to be resorted not only when we hurt others in our anger but also when we realise that others have something towards us. This requires humility. Jesus says, “Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart” (Mt. 11:29). May the Lord Jesus teach us to be humble so that hatred, anger, rancor, resentment and violence can be resolved in reconciliation and peace restored. Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”. Getting angry is our weakness but feeling sorry for the same is Godliness. Let us repent, reconcile and recourse to peaceful living for we are children of God.