Saturday, July 31, 2021

பசித்திருபோம் என்றும் பகிர்தலுக்காய் I 01.08.2021 - ஞாயிறு I Rev.Fr. Aro...

Bible Reflections I 01.08.2021 - Sunday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 18

         I - Ex. 16: 2-4, 12-15
      II - Eph. 4: 17, 20-24
     III - Mk. 6: 24-35

In the first reading, through Moses the liberator, God feeds the people of Israel with manna, the earthly bread from heaven, who were on their journey to the promised land. Through Jesus, the New Moses, the liberator from sin and slavery, God feeds the people of New Israel with the Word of God and the Word made flesh, the heavenly bread form heaven to strengthen them on their journey to the paradise. Therefore as St. Paul exhorts in the second reading, we have to give up the old way of life and put on the new self in God’s way, in the goodness and holiness of truth.  

There are two types of people with two types of hunger. One, eat to satisfy their stomach hunger and the other to satisfy their mouth hunger with variety of textures and tastes. There are also two types of people with two types of spiritual hunger. One, wish to satisfy their mere emotional requirements and the other wish to satisfy their real spiritual requirements in order to become worthy children of God befitting the Kingdom of God in all goodness, truth and holiness. In the ‘Our Father’ Jesus has taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread”. In ‘daily bread’ Jesus connotes the bread to satisfy basic stomach hunger; and the Word of God and the Ecucharist that satisfy our spiritual hunger. Sound mind in a sound body. 

When we are physically strong, we can also strive strongly nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharist in the process of becoming Christ like that is the ultimate goal of every baptised Christian so that along with St. Paul we too can courageously one day say, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). Let us in the silence of our mind and heart keep repeating this prayer: “Lord, give us this day our daily bread”.