Monday, October 18, 2021

இயேசுவின் வருகைக்காய் விழிப்பாய் இருப்போம் I 19.10.2021 - Tuesday I Rev....

Bible Reflections I 19.10.2021 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 29

            I - Rom. : 5:12-15
           II - Lk. 12: 35-38

Preparedness, patience and perseverance in waiting to behold the arrival of the master is the required responsibility of a slave.  Preparedness for the service, patience in waiting even if the arrival of the master is delayed and perseverance in accomplishing the responsibility.  Such responsibility will be rewarded by the Master through a role reversal.  The Master will make the slave sit at the table and serve him like a slave.  Jesus calls such a faithful and responsible servant as “blessed”.     

We are Christians entrusted with the responsibility of projecting Christ wherever we are - a witness of His love.  Not to accomplish great and magnificent tasks but a simple and loving service that befits our ability would suffice, but all done in love for the Lord as prescribed by Jesus in Mt. 25: 35-36.  A morsel of bread to those who are hungry, a cup water to those who are thirsty, sheltering a stranger, visiting or caring a sick and considerate towards the suffering, all done in love not for a day or two; or as and when it pleases but till the end of our time when the Lord finally comes to call us to himself, would merit the royal treatment of the Lord towards us in the paradise in his company forever. Let us patiently perseveres in our acts of loving kindness with preparedness to behold the Master as and when he comes.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to be faithful to my Christian vocation”.