Friday, June 17, 2022

Bible Reflections I 18.05.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 11

           I - 2 Chro. 24: 17-25
          II - Mt. 6: 24-34

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus proposes two masters: Wealth and God; and invites us to make our choice between the two because no one can serve two masters simultaneously. People of faith choose God and people of ‘little faith’ choose wealth.  

People slog to accumulate wealth for security reasons or status quo purposes forgetting their identity as children of God. If only they had faith in the Father, they would trust in His Providence, take pride in their status as ‘Children of God’ and strive to maintain the same. Focusing on wealth leads to individualism and selfishness resulting in disparity, inequality and inhumanity.

The people who choose God, strive for his values so that everyone come under the banner as Children of God. When so many were on the streets of Calcutta left abandoned, Mother Theresa decided to show God’s love to them, Graham Staines, the Australian Missionary embraced the ostracised lepers to tell them that God cares for them; Gladys Staines forgave the murderers in the name of Jesus who forgave his executioners and there are even today so many people treading the path that our Saviour had marked out as a result of their love and tremendous trust in him. The untiring effort and service of these people of God would result in freedom, fraternity and justice leading to the blossoming of the Kingdom of God, the ultimate dream and the desire of Jesus. 

Task: In this Gospel light examine your choice: “What have I chosen: God or wealth?”

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, in this world of trials and temptations, give me the grace and courage to choose you alone again and again”