I - Rom. 2: 1-11
II - Lk. 11: 42-46
The Scribes and the Pharisees faithfully followed and passionately promulgated the rigorous rules and ratifying rituals to the minutest detail. This created in them an attitude of pride, self-righteousness and self-glorification. They were so keen in observing the ‘Shema Israel’ - “Here O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one...You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…” (Deu. 6: 4) but failed in charity, love and brotherhood. Under the pretext preserving the rituals and traditions of the law, they diluted the spirit of the law. In this way they made the life of the common, simple and ordinary people, a difficult, cumbersome and a tiring one. It was this religious fanaticism of the Scribes and the Pharisees that Jesus reprimanded.
In today’s context too, people are ready to do anything, all that they can for God. Donation for the church work, undertaking a pilgrimage as an expression of their love and devotion, offerings to God with unlimited pride and parade, observance of all externals as an expression of piety and faith…Everything is sometimes done under the pretext of love for God but purely to pamper one’s pride, ego, self-righteousness and vain glory. For these are an abomination to God. Seek for justice, peace, love, peace, brotherhood and charity, for such sacrifices are sweet aroma to the Lord and are pleasing in the sight of the Lord. Let us love the Lord in our neighbour, then shall we become credible witnesses of Christ Jesus, our Lord.