I - Dan. 7: 15-27
II - Lk. 21: 34-36
‘Be on guard’ and ‘Be alert’ are the watchwords of the day’s Gospel passage splitting the same into two parts. ‘Be on guard’ - that neither to be dissipated with the worries of this life nor to be allured by the falsity of the world. Because the arrival of the Lord might happen unexpectedly at any time when we expect it at the least. Therefore, Jesus says, ‘Be alert’ - by praying at all times for the strength to escape from all persecutions, false acquisitions and sufferings that Jesus predicted for his followers in the Gospel passages all through this week, so as to stand with a blameless heart before the Son of Man as he comes in Glory.
The reward for those who adhere to the words of Jesus is clearly specified in the first reading from the Book of Daniel: “The kingship and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the holy ones of the Most High; their kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them” (Dan. 17: 27). Therefore make the living here on the earth a befitting one to inherit a place in the Kingdom of God. Live by the watchwords of Jesus and endure everything with the hope in the eternal joy and bliss that await us. Let us in the silence of our heart keep repeating: “Lord Jesus, help me to live by your word that is truth and life”