Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Bible Reflections I 29.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Christmas Week
           I - 1Jn. 2: 3-11
          II - Lk. 2: 22-35

St. Thomas Becket, Bishop, Martyr (Memorial) 


Today’s Gospel passage is about the presentation of baby Jesus in the temple by his parents in accordance to the obligation of the Law of the Lord offering a pair of doves. Simeon, the righteous and the devout man waited patiently in the temple to behold the deliverer, the consolation of Israel, the Messiah. As the baby was brought into the temple he recognised, rejoiced and filed with the Holy Spirit prophesied about the child. Looking at May he prophesied saying, “…And a sword will pierce your own soul too”. Mary would not have understood but as the bible says kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (Lk. 2: 19). Presentation to the Lord is yielding unto the Lord in faith.   

When we were still helpless babe we were brought into the Church to be baptised. Our parents in the company of the God parents who were also equally responsible for our Christian living, kith and kin presented us in Church to the Lord professing the Christian faith on our behalf. Seldom do we remember even the names our grandparents and often fail in the responsibilities towards them. When people today don’t even care for their own parents and live independently with their family abandoning them to the old age and shelter homes, can they find to even think about the grandparents. May the Gospel passage help us to reset our lives recalling our baptism and our promise to live a witnessing life. Be grateful to the parents who had brought up to what we are. Dear parents, constantly keep insisting to your children about the demands of Christian living exhorted through baptism and faith in the Lord that is essential so that they can live a witnessing life.

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. He was martyred because he preferred to submit himself unto the ways of the Lord than to the order of the king of Canterbury and so he was martyred. Through the intercession of this saint let us ask God to give us the courage to present ourselves unreservedly to His Plan for us in actualising our profession of faith in Him.