Thursday, November 18, 2021

Bible Reflections I 19.11.2021 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 33

           I - 1 Macc. 4: 36-37, 52-59 
          II - Lk. 19: 45-48
Today’s Gospel passage is an invitation to reflect upon the two aspects of Jesus viz. the power of his life and the power of his words.  On entering the temple, Jesus drove out those selling things in the temple and none dared to prevent nor disapprove of him for his act because such was the power of his life, a life of righteousness par excellence. In the second part of the Gospel passage of the day, we read that the crowd that listened to Jesus was spell bound at his teachings.  Such was the power of his words. 

As Christians and followers of Christ, the Gospel passage is a beckoning to examine our lives in this light.  Do we dare to stand up for what is right or escape from risk-taking in the process of restoring righteousness and justice? If so, that is the power of our lives modelled after our Master, Jesus Christ.  Examine the words that we speak. If they are life giving, encouraging, uplifting, consoling, comforting, soothing, inspiring, motivating and enthusing for a better tomorrow, then our words do have power of effecting a change for the better.  Let our life and words effect in the blossoming up of the kingdom of God. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, make me like you”.