Thursday, June 30, 2022

Bible Reflections I 01.07.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 13

           I - Amos 8: 4-6, 9-12
          II - Mt. 9: 9-13

Only an architect can see a marvelous statue in the mass of a stone, only an architect can see an awesome art in the collage of colors, and only a potter can see his magnificent masterpiece in the mere clay. The invisible is visible to these persons because they are passionate about their interests and visionaries of their profession. Today’s Gospel passage is about the call of Matthew the tax collector. To the eyes of the people around Matthew was a tax collector and a sinner. But Jesus saw a disciple in the person of Matthew. He invites him to be his follower, goes to dine with him, befriends him with his love and acceptance, and where after Matthew becomes Jesus’ disciple and an evangelist.  

Branding and labeling people are not uncommon these days. We are rash in our judgment of people and are quick in branding them negatively. This might curb the personalities and doom them to destruction. Like Jesus our Master, promote and foster life. Understand, accept, encourage, motivate and appreciate others so that they can actualise their potential and grow up to be someone in alignment with the Plan of God. For this we need a loving heart like Jesus, our Lord, Being the first Friday, let us as Jesus, to give us a large heart like him to embrace all and exclude none. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours”.