I - Amos 2: 6-10, 13-16
II - Mt. 8: 18-22
Today’s Gospel reading is about following the Lord with utmost availability and undivided heart. The Scribe wishes to follow Jesus and Jesus, instead of responding him with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, explains the uncertainty of the availability of even the basic needs, meaning to express the hardship involved in following him. To the other one who consented to follow him after burying his parents, Jesus says, “leave the dead to bury their own dead”, meaning to say that the discipleship demands for an undivided heart that has no other focus but the life, teaching and the mission of Jesus.
As Christians we are called to be the disciples of Jesus following him in his life and teaching. This demands singleness and seriousness of purpose. Singleness of purpose is to live like him despite all risks and sufferings. Seriousness of purpose is to be concerned about living the teachings of the Lord. Let us be ready to take up any risk concerning to live by the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus give me the courage to follow you at all times”.