I - 1Cor. 15: 1-8
II - Jn. 14: 6-14
There are two promises in the Gospel passage of the day: One, whoever believes in Jesus would do even greater works than Jesus himself and two, whatever is asked in the name of Jesus will be granted. These two promises require belief in Jesus Christ that he is the Lord and God. His ways, words and the very life is the manifestation of God and the testimony of His love for us. We have no way but Jesus; his words are true and he alone can impart life eternal to each of us because Jesus is God.
We are Christians and we believe that Jesus is our Lord and God. But when we are battered by life’s struggles, challenges, tests and trials we tend to look for this person and that person, this means and that means, this ways and that ways in getting rid of the same. But these are moments that are even opportunities to prove our faith and belief in Jesus. He can do all things for us if only we believe that ‘nothing is impossible with’ God (Lk. 1: 37). May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, you are my Lord and my God”.