Sunday, July 2, 2023

Bible Reflections I 03.06.2023 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 13
           I - Acts. 10: 24-35 
          II - 1 Pt. 1: 3-9 
         III - Jn. 20: 24-29

Today the Church celebrates the fest of St. Thomas, the ardent apostle of Jesus and the apostle of India, Who walked on the shores of Kerala and Chennai proclaiming the good news. He belonged to simple fishers’ folk from Galilee and was called by Jesus to follow him.  That he did whole heartedly and showed even greater courage and generosity than the other eleven.  When Jesus told, “Let us go to Judea”, Thomas solemnly stated “Let us go too and die with him”.  The doubting disciple was not the one to say that he had understood when in fact he had not. When Jesus said. “You know the way to the place where I am going”, Thomas retorted saying “Lord we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way”.  

The straight forward reaction of St. Thomas to the testimony of his companions regarding the resurrection of the Lord, “unless I see the holes that the nails made in his hands and put my finger into the holes they made and unless I can put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe”.  When finally Jesus appeared to St. Thomas, he confirmed his faith saying, “My Lord and my God”. The feast enlighten on the fact that the slow surrender of St. Thomas is more comforting and strengthening to our faith than the ready acceptance of the believing apostles. From a doubter of the Lord and from a feeble faith, God had transformed the faith of St. Thomas into one that was firm and true, to the point that he was even ready to lay down his life for the sake of the Lord and standing true to his faith.  May we pick up inspirations from St. Thomas, the apostle to transcend from our human frailties with utmost acceptance, for a greater transformation.