Saturday, December 3, 2022

Bible Reflections I 04.12.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Sunday: Week 2
           I - Is. 11: 1-10
          II - Rom. 15: 4-9 
         III - Mt. 3: 1-12
The theme for the second week of the advent is ‘peace’. In the first reading Prophet Isaiah ushers peace and harmony in the coming of the Promised One. The original order of harmony that existed in the creation. In the second reading St. Paul exhorts to strive for harmony among the Christians in Jesus Christ who humbled himself to become all for all. In the Gospel passage John the Baptist preaches vehemently on the coming of the Son of Man. He exhorts the people of Jerusalem and Judea to return to the Lord in repentance so that they can be found ready at his coming. He encourages to bear fruit worthy of repentance and conversion because at the coming of the Son of God, the good people will be gathered like wheat in barn and the wicked like the chaff will be gathered and thrown into the fire.

Advent is the grace filled time given by the Church to prepare ourselves for the second coming of the Lord. Give up old ways that deviate from the Gospel living. Make efforts with the grace of God to witness to Christ in our living otherwise we would be found helpless at the coming of the Lord, when he comes in all his glory. Repent and return to the Lord whose coming is approaching. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Come Lord Jesus”.