Friday, December 9, 2022

Bible Reflections I 10.12.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 2
           I - Sir. 48: 1-4, 9-11 
          II - Mt. 17: 10-13

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto, with the decree of Pope Francis in 2019, that this feast be celebrated every year on December 10, the day on which there is a feast in Loreto. Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto is the patron of pilots, airmen and flight attendants as declared by Emeritus Pope Benedict XV on March 24, 1920. She is also a heavenly patroness of those who travel by plane. This title of Blessed Virgin Mary is attributed based on a house. Tradition tells that a small house in Loreto, Italy originated in Nazareth, the actual home of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is composed of mortar and stones found in Palestine in a style consistent of the time of Jesus. It is considered to be the home of St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of mother Mary. It was here that the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurred; it was here that annunciation took place and it was here that holy family lived after their return from Egypt.   

Since the time of the apostles this house was in Nazareth and was a place of pilgrimage and worship. In the third century Constantine built a basilica around the Holy House to protect and safeguard the same. This basilica was destroyed by the Saracens in the eleventh century but the Holy House in it remained untouched. The basilica was rebuilt in the twelfth century. This basilica was destroyed by the Muslims during the crusades but again the Holy House remained unharmed. When the Christians were driven completely out of the Holy Land in the thirteen century, the Holy House disappeared from Nazareth and appeared in modern day Croatia (Southeast Europe). It is said that the Holy House was transported there by the angels. The house was again moved by the angels on December 10, 1294 because of the Muslim invasion of Albania. The Holy House first landed in Recanti, Italy and afterwards moved to its present location in Loreto, Italy. The celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto invites all families, priests, religious and everyone to imitate the Mary, the perfect disciple of the Gospel. Modelled after Mother Mary, may we become humble disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ as we invoke our Blessed Mother praying: “Blessed Virgin of Loreto, Pray for us.”