Friday, August 20, 2021

பேசாதீர்கள், வாழ்ந்துகாட்டுங்கள் I 21.08.2021 - Saturday I Rev. Fr.Aroki...

Bible Reflections I 21.08.2021 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 20

     I - Ruth 2: 1, 1-3, 
            8-11, 4: 13-17
    II - Mt. 22: 34-40


As subordinates, submit to the authority and as superiors, serve like a slave is the crux of the Gospel passage today.  Jesus instructs both, the subordinates and the superiors.  He exhorts the people to abide by the teachings of the Scribes and the Pharisees as they are delegated with the authority from God Himself and insists that the greatness of the leaders vest in their service to the flock that is entrusted. A leader should be a servant of all.  

Jesus submitted himself to the authority: He constantly sought the will of the Father, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me” (Jh. 4:34), obeyed his parents, “Jesus went back to Nazareth with his parents and obeyed them” (Lk. 2:51) and followed the law of the nation by paying the temple tax (Mt. 17:25).  Jesus, the Lord and master; the messiah and the saviour and God and man, washed the feet of his disciples like a slave and thereby had left us an example to imitate him (Jn. 13: 14-17). 

To submit and to serve is possible to the one who is humble.  It takes courage and conviction to remain humble ignoring pride, honour, glory, pomp, fame and popularity. Humble persons are always aglow in spirit that attracts the attention and admiration of all, inspiring and inviting them to imitate the same.  May the grace of God wrap us with humility, simplicity and meekness to submit and to serve, solely for the glory of God. Let us in the silence of our mind and heart keep praying: 'Lord Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours'.