I - Wis. 7: 22 - 8: 1
II - Lk. 17: 20-25
The Kingdom of God would neither descend from the sky nor would it shoot up from the earth but it is amidst us is the crux of the Gospel passage today. This can be compared to the metaphor of light dispelling darkness. The presence of light vanquishes even the shades of darkness. Jesus says that we are the light of the world (5: 14). We are supposed to vanquish the darkness of division, despair, disbelief, gloom, fear, anxiety, jealousy, hatred, poverty, suffering and greed with our light of love, peace, joy, forgiveness, hope, unity, brotherhood, justice, generosity, kindness, compassion and gentleness.
Jesus with His life has left us a pattern of living as children of God. Living up to our identity as children of God is already a sign of blossoming up of the Kingdom of God. Therefore the Kingdom of God is not here or there but amidst us, It vests in our credible living up to our Christian vocation. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, make me like you”.