I - Deu. 7: 9-10, 13-14
II - Jn. 1: 47-51
St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
(Archangels – Feast )
When Philip spoke about Jesus to Nathanael, in all his simplicity he asked, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (Jn. 1: 46) and still with the openness of heart he went with Philip to verify for himself if Jesus was the Messiah and he indeed beheld the truth after meeting Jesus, the Messiah. We complicate our life that is so simple, create confusion to conceal reality, and willfully reject to accept the truth. Openness of heart can overtake prejudice, simplicity can surpass stubbornness and pave way to peruse all that is true, real and lasting. Let us with simplicity and openness of heart dare to behold the truth as it comes.
Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael. The work of St. Michael is to defeat Satan and its rebellious activities, that of St. Raphael is to be the guardian of the wayfarers and finally that of St. Gabriel is to be the messenger of God. May St. Michael help us to conquer the constant battle between the good and the evil in us defeating all that is not of/for God; St. Gabriel make us like himself the messenger of the Good News wherever we are and St. Raphael be our constant companion in our life journey until we reach our final destination, a blissful eternal life with God. Let us in the silence of our heart keep repeating this prayer: “St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael bless us and pray for us”