Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Bible Reflections I 05.07.2023. - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 13
             I - Gen. 21:5, 8-20
            II - Mt. 8:28-34

Good and evil, light and darkness, virtues and vices can never coexist.  One vanishes in the presence of the other.  This is the essence of the Gospel passage today.  Evil can never resist the presence of all Holy, all Good and all Powerful.  The demons could not resist the presence of Jesus and shouted, “Have you come here to torment us?”  The presence of Jesus pervades to vanquish the darkness of evil and restores, fosters and promotes life, love, peace and joy in humanity. 

In the light of this Gospel passage, let us reflect on our presence in our family and in the society. How does our presence effect our family and friends, kith and kin, dear and near ones? Do we in our kindness, love, understanding, comfort, consolation, gentleness, selflessness and sacrifice project God to them?  If so, we are a beam of blessing and agents of joy to our family and friends, kith and kin, dear and near ones.