Thursday, December 8, 2022

Bible Reflections I 09.12.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent: Week 2
           I - Is. 48: 17-19 
          II - Mt. 11: 16-19

Acceptance and rejection are the two possible reactions to any teaching, preaching or living. John the Baptist was austere, he neither ate nor drank but was concerned only about the preparing of the way of the Lord, and people called him ‘possessed’. Jesus came, eating and drinking, he was casual but was concerned only about the Kingdom of God, and people called him ‘drunkard, glutton and a friend of tax collectors and sinners’. The teachings of both, John the Baptist and Jesus was not comfortable and often confronted, contradicted and challenged their life style. Hence they rejected both of them, choosing their comfortable cozy life. On the contrary, the sinners, the tax collectors and the gentiles accepted them and were already occupying a place in the Kingdom of God. 

We too often try our best to ignore the voice of God that comes in prayer, persons, Word of God and our own conscience because it challenges and causes inconvenience. In the first reading, Prophet Isaiah enlightens about the blessings brought down on those who adhere to the Word of God: prosperity, happiness, integrity and all other blessings as well. Want to be blessed by the Lord? Accept and abide by his teachings; and that is life. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to live by your words”