I - 2 Macc. 7: 1, 20-31
II - Lk. 19: 11-28
Jesus says the parable of the talents for two reasons: one, he was near Jerusalem, where he was about encounter his passion and death; and two that he would come again in glory with all authority, power and majesty making everyone accountable for their gifts and talents bestowed. The Gospel passage of the day says that the people supposed that the Kingdom of God was to appear immediately. Jesus clarifies them through this parable that it is not immediate and it is a process and everyone needs to be vigilant in working for the same to the best of their ability without any laxity until he comes again in glory. The lethargic and the lazy would be judged accordingly like the man who received one talent, no matter the talent received is great or small.
Each of us are bestowed with graces, blessings, gifts and talents meant to be utilised in establishing the Kingdom of God. For every gift wasted in this regard should greatly be accounted for on his second coming or rather when we encounter the Lord after our earthly existence here on earth. If we have utilised them well we can hear from the Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant…..come and share your master’s happiness” (Mt. 25: 23). Let us discover, appreciate and utilise the gifts of God in establishing freedom, fraternity and justice here on earth instead of wasting our time in vain. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: Lord, make me an instrument of your love peace and joy.