I - Num. 24: 2-7, 15-17
II - Mt. 21: 23-27
Today the Church remembers and honours the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. She is the patron saint of Mexico and the patroness of the Americans. The feast commemorates the apparition of Mother Mary to Saint Juan Diego whose feast we celebrated last week. The Blessed Virgin appeared to Juan Diego in the hills of Tepeyach in 1531 and asked him to tell the bishop to build a church for her atop Tepeyach hill. The Bishop demanded a sign before he could approve for the construction of the Church. Mother Mary appeared to Juan Diego and told him to collect the roses that was rare during that season. He gathered the roses in his cloak and went with a sign, to the Bishop, the second time. When Juan Diego opened his cloak before the Bishop, roses fell to the floor revealing the image of Mother Mary imprinted on his cloak. The image is still there displayed and venerated in the Basilica of Guadalupe. St. John Paul II declared the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe the patroness of the Americans.
To Juan Diego, Mother Mary promised of her protection, love, assistance, help and support. The Blessed Virgin had also said to Juan Diego, “Listen and understand, my little son, let nothing frighten and afflict you or trouble your heart. Am I not here, I, who am your mother?” Let the words of the Blessed Virgin resound in the minds and hearts when we are troubled, discouraged, depressed and disheartened. Do we not have a mother who is gentle, understanding and all loving? May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, Pray for us.”