Tuesday, November 22, 2022

மன உறுதியோடு இருங்கள்.I 23.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA DOSS SD...

Bible Reflections I 23.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 15: 1-4
          II - Lk. 21: 12-19
On account of Jesus, we might have to endure opposition, oppression, accusations and persecutions from those in power, position and authority. We might be betrayed by our own family, friends and relatives, hated and put to death. Jesus exhorts to endure with the blessed assurance of his assistance and protection. He promises of wisdom in our speech which none of the adversaries would be able to contradict. We are so precious to the Lord that he will never let even a hair our head to perish.  

Do not get panicked at embarrassing and endangering situation, the Lord our God like a mighty warrior and would fight on our behalf, defending and protecting (Jer. 20:21). Endure everything with the Lord until the day of meeting him face to face, for he says, “I will not leave you as orphans” (Jh. 14:18)” and “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mt. 28: 20). Endure every trial patiently with the joy of meriting the Kingdom of God when he comes in His glory. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, help me to be your witness”.