Monday, June 26, 2023

Bible Reflections I 27.06.2023 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 12
         I - Gen. 13: 2, 5-18
      II - Mt. 7: 6 , 12-14              

To treat the other like as we treat ourselves is a challenging narrow path. It is difficult but not impossible. We care for our name, fame, reputation, respect and honour but do we wish the same for the other? The ‘I’ in us is so predominant that we promulgate and pamper it at the cost of negative criticism, cutting remarks, false accusation, rash judgment and ridiculous rumors towards others making their precious life a difficult and impossible one to live. This is what Jesus calls as ‘broad path’, easy but leads to destruction.  

Jesus through the Gospel passage invites us to travel through the ‘road less travelled’, by overcoming our jealousy, selfishness, pride and arrogance. Encouraging words, wishing the good of the other, a bit of appreciation and praise, prioritizing others needs to our own, positive outlook on others and generous forgiveness especially to those whom we don’t love enough or don’t love at all is difficult. This is narrow path that requires courage and a large heart. Dare to tread it with grace, prayer and above all with a bit of love for a bit of love can set all things right. In the silence of our hearts let us pray: “Lord Jesus fill my heart with your love”.