Saturday, May 6, 2023

Bible Reflections I 07.05.2023 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 5
           I - Acts 6: 1-7
          II - I Pt. 2: 4-9
         III - Jn. 14: 1-12

Let us base our Sunday reflection on the first reading taken from the Acts of the Apostles.  Though the early Christians were of one mind and heart to the surprise of the rest of the people around them, the early Church faces three problems in the first reading of the day: problem in the distribution of food, complaint by the Hellenist against the Hebrews because of favouritism and the gossip on account of this.  Hence, the disciples choose seven men filled with the Holy Spirit and men of good repute to take care of the administration because the apostles considered that prayer and proclamation were their prime duty commissioned by Christ himself.

There was role clarity among the disciples.  They were convinced that prayer and proclamation was their prime duty and therefore they had the wisdom to discern that administration be given to a separate set of people filled with Holy Spirit.  Become aware of each one’s role in the Church and execute that well to the best of ability and in the way God wants.  Failing to do this would create unnecessary confusion and chaos in our own ambient.  Today in a particular way pray for the leaders of the Church that they may discern God’s will to carry on the mission entrusted to them overcoming all problems and hurdles that come on the way.