Sunday, August 7, 2022

Bible Reflections I 08.08.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 19
            I - Ezk. 1: 2-5, 24-28
           II - Mt. 17: 22-27

Today’s Gospel passage is about Jesus paying tax to the tax collectors. In reality, Jesus is not obliged to pay tax for only the foreigners are obliged to pay tax. Jesus is the Son of God and therefore not bound to pay temple tax as it is his father’s house. Still, Jesus pays tax so as to set an example and not to violate the rule unnecessarily for this purpose.  

The Gospel passage of the day invites us to inspire others through our exemplary living and not be a scandal to others through our reckless living. Action speaks louder than words. We aspire for greater things and remain incredible. The incredibility comes from our adherence to the existing rules and practices that prevail in our society for the smooth functioning. Let us not violate in the name of our position, power and status, instead oblige and set an example like Jesus.