Monday, October 11, 2021

உள்ளத்தூய்மை தா இறைவா I 12.10.202 - Tuesday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss SDB I...

Bible Reflections I 12.10.2021 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 28

            I - Rom. 1: 16-25
           II - Lk. 11: 37-41

Today’s Gospel passage is all about an action, a reaction and a lesson.  An action - Jesus purposely took his place at the table without washing his hands; a reaction - the Pharisee who had invited Jesus to dine with him was amazed at the action of Jesus because a Jew cannot do this and all the more Jesus was considered to be a great Rabbi and; a lesson - Jesus took this opportunity to enlighten that the Pharisee worried so much about the cleanliness of the exterior while he was full of greed and wickedness inside.  The rituals diluted the rubrics of the religion that gave so much of importance to the purity of heart and mind.  

Even today people stress so much about the rituals that they forget to retain the love charity behind all rituals.  It’s true that we too worry too much about exterior cleanliness but fail to care for our mind and heart.  Some do get psychologically affected by constantly worrying about the exterior cleanliness while they are full of greed, wickedness, anger, jealousy, hatred, rancor and rivalry.  It is this that actually makes a person unclean making the lives of other too miserable.  Let us be concerned about conducting our interior life with the fear of the lord, love for him and the humanity with purity of mind and heart, then can we claim ourselves to be people of God.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, create in me a clean heart”.