Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Bible Reflections I 03.05.2023 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 4
           I - 1 Cor. 15: 1-8
          II - Jn. 14: 6-14
Today the Church celebrates the feast of saints Philip and James, the apostles of Jesus. The feast of the apostles help us to examine our Christian living in the light of their credible and unmatched Christian living. Philip was one of Christ’s first disciple called by Jesus soon after his baptism and at the beginning of his public ministry. The highlighting attribute of St. Philip was that he brought people to Jesus: he brought Nathaniel, the leading Jew to Jesus and the Greeks who came searching for Jesus were led by Philip to Jesus. According to traditions, Philip was crucified upside down for his belief in Christ. St. James, was the brother of Apostle Jude. He is the author of one of the epistle in the New Testament. He was bishop of Jerusalem. Proclaimed Christ convincingly and strengthened the faith of the early Christians. The infuriated Jews threw him down from the temple and clubbed him to death.

As Christians we are called to witness to Christ through our life and action. St. Philip helped people to come to Jesus. It is our prime duty to be with Jesus and help people to come to Jesus, the Christian commission. St. James courageously stood for Jesus with conviction. In this light let us examine whether we are convinced Christians. Pray that the Lord may give us the courage to stand up for the truth in Jesus and bring people closer to him. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Philip and St. James, pray for us.”