I - Jer. 26: 11-16, 24
II - Mt. 14: 1-12
In the Gospel passage today, John the Baptist courageously admonishes the unlawful act of King Herod, living with his brother’s wife. His words were powerful, piercing, disturbing and deterring both Herod and Herodias. Herodias plotted so well that she had the head of John the Baptist on the platter through her daughter.
We are children of God and whenever we are astray, God calls us back on the right the right track through the Scripture, conscience, persons, signs and events. His voice is never compromising, appealing or pacifying but disturbing, contradicting, challenging and conquering. We have only two options before us, either to give heed and align our ways and inherit eternal life or rationalize and reject his words and impend for eternal destruction. If God chooses us to be His mouth piece, let us courageously do so with no fear of people who can kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, make me a courageous messenger of the truth”