Sunday, February 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.02.2022 - Monday I Indraya Manna I

           I - 2Cor. 6: 4-10
          II - Mt. 10: 17-22

St. Gonzalo Gracia, Martyr (First Indian Saint)

In the Gospel passage of the day, Jesus speaks of the suffering, persecution and betrayal by one’s own dear ones, to be endured by his followers on account of his name. But Jesus also assures of the assistance of the Holy Spirit in giving the right word to be spoken to the officials at the time of our trial. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Gonzalo Gracia, the first Indian saint, an evincing example to the Gospel passage of the day.  

Gonzalo wished very much to be a Jesuit and his wish could not be realised. So, he went to Manila, Philippines as lay missionary. Through the intervention of Fr. Peter Baptista, a Franciscan priest, Gonzalo was ordained a Franciscan friar. He went to Japan as missionary and worked there for four years. The Japanese regime along with Gonzalo arrested twenty six confessors and crucified them on suspicion. God blessed Gonzalo with tremendous courage that he went straight to one of the crosses laid there and asked, “Is it mine?” Valiant courage at the face of death for the sake of Christ the Lord! The others too one after the other started doing the same. May St. Gonzalo help us to be courageous in exercising our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill us with the courage to live and die for you alone”.