Saturday, July 10, 2021

Bible Reflections I 11.07.2021 - Sunday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 15

             I - Amos. 7: 12-15
            II - Eph. 1: 3-14 
         III - Mk. 6: 7-13


God calls whomever He wants (Mk. 3:13) rich or poor, learned or unlearned, courageous or coward, talented or inept, competent or incompetent and skilled or unskilled, to be His ambassadors to proclaim and perform in His name and according to His plan is the crux of all three readings today. We are His children in Christ Jesus our Lord, blessed with all spiritual blessings and with riches of graces to gather everyone for God. Jesus exhorts his disciples to put their trust in the Providence of God who cares and to focus only on the mission entrusted by telling them to carry only the minimum and concentrate on the Kingdom of God through proclaiming, preaching, curing, healing, raising the dead and casting of demons - the vision of the mission. Faithful to the command of Jesus, disciples not only proclaimed but lived out the message, gathering everyone for God.
Proclaiming Jesus becomes effective not in mere preaching or proclaiming alone but in aligning our life unto it as well. We are called despite our background, qualified as children of God in Jesus Christ and entrusted with the mission of bringing freedom, fraternity and justice wherever we are. When we practice these values primarily in our lives we automatically become the messengers of God and never a bystander or a spectator in the society. Imbibing Gospels values we will surely embrace all and ostracise none, love all and hate none, include all and exclude none; and empathize and never be indifferent towards anyone. In this way our mere presence can preach, proclaim and perform miracles effecting the presence of God among people. This is indeed a meaningful Christian living. By this we not only become mere messengers of God but the message itself. Let us try to make our life a message of God as we keep repeating this prayer as often as possible in the silence of our hearts: “Lord Jesus, make my life a loving message”