Monday, November 28, 2022

Bible Reflections I 29.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week: 1
Readings: I - Is. 11: 1-10
                 II - Lk. 10: 21-24

The Gospel passage today does not condemn the learned, the intelligent or the persons of repute instead Jesus highlights on the disposition and openness of the heart in beholding the truth as it comes. The learned, the intellectuals and the elite of Jesus’ time were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Chief Priest and the Scribes. They were familiar with the law and the prophecy and were fanatic in the practice of the religion. They were considered to be the custodians of their religion and the Law of Moses. But they failed to recognise the Promised One in Jesus in their pride and stubbornness of heart. Women and infants were considered as ‘nobody’ at all. Infant in the Gospel reading today, means ‘nobody’. These ‘nobody’ - the sinners, tax collectors, women, children, the poor, the disabled, the prostitutes, the gentiles and the Samaritans in their openness, simplicity and humility of heart accepted Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus glorifies and thanks the Father for His goodness, mercy and magnanimity in choosing these ‘nobody’ to reveal Jesus His Son as their Messiah which is the gracious will of the Father. 

In the ordinary walk of life, people wish for the truth that is appealing, pleasing, and convenient but never contradicting, combating or conflicting their perspectives and ideologies. People never desire for the truth that hurts, contradicts, questions, conflicts and disturbs. Only those people who are open to the truth with the simplicity and humility of heart can be drawn to recognise the Lord as he comes to visit us. During this season of Advent let us yield ourselves unto to the truth as it comes.