I - Ex. 40: 16-21, 34-38
II - Mt. 13: 47-53
The Gospel passage of the day contains a comparison and an obligation. The kingdom of heaven is compared to a net that is thrown into the sea. It collects both the good and the bad fish. The good ones are stored in the container and the bad ones are thrown away. Similarly, on that final day of judgment, the humanity will be judged on the basis of love and those who are worthy would inherit the kingdom of God. Every scribe who considered himself to be the custodian of law is supposed to match the old and new and make the rules easy for people to follow for the crux of the old and new law is love. Instead they complicated the law and made the lives of ordinary people weighing and tiring.
We are trained in so many ways to practice the preaching of the Gospel: love, through bible reading, sermons, preaching, retreat, prayer and spiritual and corporal practices. Examine whether all these help us to be more humane and loving so that others too copy and aspire for a life based on love. Introspect if we will be found good at end of our time.