I - Jer. 31: 1-7
II - Mt. 15: 21-28
The Canaanites were outcasts and therefore the Jews abstained themselves from associating with the Canaanites. In today’s Gospel passage, the Canaanite woman comes before the Lord requesting for the healing of her daughter tortured by demon. Jesus tries to send her away reminding of her status: “it is not fair to take the children’s’ food and throw it to the dogs”. The outcasts were also considered as dogs. But she was persistent in persuading Jesus for the healing and finally Jesus did heal her daughter and appreciates her faith saying, “Woman great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish”.
The three essential elements for prayer are: courage, faith and perseverance. Courage to face the Lord with the conviction that we are the children of God. Jesus says that faith can move even mountains (Mt. 17: 20-21). We should never become tired of praying (Col. 4: 2) but keep persevering with faith. If prayer requests are unanswered, examine your courage to stand before the Lord, faith and perseverance. Remember at all times that we are the children of God redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.