I - 1Kings. 19: 9, 11-16
II - Mt. 5: 27-32
The Gospel passage of the day is the continuation of yesterday’s Gospel passage. It’s about exceeding in the righteous of the Scribes and the Pharisees in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The scribes and the Pharisees had conditioned them not to commit adultery. But Jesus says that even lustful look tantamount to committing adultery. Therefore he says to pluck those eyes that lead to sin instead of having committing a grave sin. With the certificate of divorce, the married man and the woman can go separated but Jesus that divorce and remarriage too is adultery and that a man cannot divorce his wife except on the ground of immorality.
Prevention is better than cure. Lustful look leads to adultery and hence Jesus invites to correct here itself than for a great fall. Effect can be avoided by controlling the cause. Perfection is made of trifles but perfection is not a trifle. Jesus through today’s Gospel passage invites us to avoid or amend our paths that lead to sin. He exhorts us to be careful in little things that would lead to a great fall. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus give me delicacy of mind and heart even in little things”