Readings: I - 2Sam. 7: 18-19, 24-29
II - Mk. 4: 21-25
St. Angela Merici, Virgin (Memorial)
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says that no one lights a lamp and put it under a basket instead put it on the lamp stand so that the place is bright. He also goes on to say that the measure that is given out will be the measure that will be given. The former marks responsibility and the latter, accountability. We are gifted with various talents and blessings to build up and restore the fallen dignity of humanity due to selfishness, avarice and greediness of some. We as Christians are called to unfurl the banner of equality, freedom and fraternity, keeping aglow our Christian values based on charity. We are responsible to foster humanity and are accountable too for the gifts bestowed upon us for the purpose of the same.
The Church celebrates the feast of St. Angela Merici who utilized her charism in founding a congregation, Ursuline Sisters, to educated and take care of the children. United in the Lord, she accomplished all according to the plan of God. Let us also be united in the Lord, discover our gifts and talents; and utilize the same for the betterment of humankind. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help us to be responsible and accountable Christians with the gifts bestowed upon us”