Saturday, October 15, 2022

Bible Reflections I 16.10.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 29
            I - Ex. 17: 8-13
           II - 2 Tim. 3: 14 - 4: 2
          III - Lk. 18: 1-8

The readings of the days invites us to remain steadfast in prayer. Never to get tired of praying but be persistent in praying. Prayer connects God and humanity. In prayer we articulate our emotions, needs, desires, helplessness, hopelessness, inability, trust, faith and confidence to God. In the first reading when the enemies encircled Israel, Moses raised his hands towards heaven in prayer and Israel was winning the war whenever he raised his hands in prayer and whenever he lowered his hands, the enemies were prevailing. With the help of Aaron and Hur he held his hands high in prayer till they won the battle. In the Gospel passage, the parable of the unjust judge, who neither feared God nor respected man gave justice to the widow who was bothering him so much. God is our loving Father, will he not grant justice to his children when they cry to him night and day for help?

We are the children of God, the loving, compassionate and merciful Father. In the trending world of the time, we get everything at the click of a button. We need everything instantaneously. We have lost the great value of patience. This has entered our prayer life as well. We expect an immediate response from God. We are least interested in the ‘waiting time’. From the Gospel passage be convinced that we are children of God and that our prayers would be answered Just in Time though delayed. Become not impatient in waiting for a response from God. Remain steadfast in prayer with hope and in faith.