I - 1 Jn. 5: 14-21
II – Jn. 2: 1-11
The Gospel reading is about the miracle of the Wedding Feast Cana where Jesus changes six jars of water into tasty wine that has ever been served. The power of God has the capacity to change, transform and in short make all things anew. The faith of Mother Mary and the servants together made the miracle possible. The faith of Mother Mary that her Son, Jesus could do something to solve the problem and the faith of the servants to fill the jars with plain water without a word of doubt and in obedience to the words of Jesus worked out the miracle at the wedding.
All things are possible to the one who has faith in God. Mother Mary told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you” and they did it. Surrender to the Lord in faith and invoke his power to transform us into that type of person that God intends: a new wine of cheer, joy, happiness, peace, comfort and consolation to whomever we come in contact with. Today being first Saturday let us take the assistance of our Blessed Mother to surrender ourselves unto the Lord in obedience and faith. May our Blessed Mother intercede for us as we keep repeating this prayer throughout the day in the silence of our hearts: “Blessed Virgin Mary, Pray for us.”